Chapter 36

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***Bold is mind link**

It wasn't true.

This had to be a prank. A sick joke.

The truth could not be what his father told him. His mind had tricked him into believing he smelled his mate on his father.

But his wolf, his soul and his instincts all recognized those delicious smells. His wolf recognized those smells, that rich lavender with fresh rain.

Seokjin rushed to the bathroom as he dumped his stomach on the toilet. Fuck he felt weak. His body was not strong after his rut. He felt so nauseous thinking about everything.

As he remembered the smell on his dad he threw up again, only clear liquid coming out this time. The force his body was making almost made him passed out, spots showing up on his sight and his throat felt hoarse from the force.

He sat there on the toilet, going over everything his father said. Eventually, he got up and rinsed the taste off his mouth and gather his last bit of strength to get to bed, as exhaustion finally took over.


Erick was having close to a sustancial crisis. He looked over to Eun-ji, who laid next to him asleep. They both had made a "cave" over time of trees and beds made of leafs. Whenever they wanted to sleep by the waterfall, this was their special spot.

The Alpha had informed him of what happened with Namjoon and Hoseok as soon as the clock hit 12. It had taken a lot for the Alpha to get them to settle once he told them the truth. They had turned to chaos and denial.

Of course Erick expected this. How are you supposed to move passed everything they had known their entire lives.

He felled asleep next to her after that. He pushed his biggest dilemma to the back of his mind and decided to enjoy her presence before everything changed.

Now he's awake, the end of the twilight coloring the skies of reds and orange.

Fuck it was just a matter of time before Eun-ji woke up.

The Alpha told him to tell her everything before they came back. Erick knew if he did, Eun-ji would just run away, accuse him of lying, even when she trusts him. Too much variables and results were making him go crazy.

-Is she still sleeping? The alphas voice came through in the mind link

-Yeah she's still asleep

-I went to tell the others. Seokjin took it the worst but it was my fault. I didn't explain things right to him. The others are back in the mating house talking things through.

-What about Taehyung and Yoongi?

-They are in the middle of their ruts. We can't go in there.

-I understand

-Let me know how it goes. You are the person that needs to do this. She'll understand.

Erick felt the weight of the situation on his shoulders. He was stressed and nervous and anxious. He was her protector. The Luna had come to him to protect her and he vowed his life to it.

But fuck this was too much.

"Erick are you ok? You're stressing me out with your scent." Eun-ji soft voice made the alpha jump.

Eun-ji caught this.

"Babe? What's wrong?" At her genuine concern his scent sour even more. This uncomfortable weight appeared on his chest.

"Oh my God, what's wrong?" She reached over, her soft warm hand heavy on his shoulder.

He didn't say anything. She looked more worried as his heart thundered on his chest.


"We need to head back. Your dad just told me to get you back"

"Ok that makes sense? But what's going on? Are you ok?" He shook his head no.

He's not good. She's going to hate him.

"I have to tell you something but I don't have the balls to do it. You are going to hate me after this." Erick's voice cracked a little. Thinking of Eun-ji hating him would tear him apart.

"I could never hate you. I love you too much." She leaned over and pressed her lips to his cheek.

"Wanna tell me now?"

His world stopped. If he told her now then she would never face the truth.

"We have to go, I'll tell you when we're home." He pushed his nerves down and took her hand to pull her up. Both stretched before turning into their wolfs and following up the path back home.

Eun-ji didn't push the topic but she could physically see how worried Erick was. She even stared to get worried.

Before she knew they were back pacing between the house. She noticed the silence that still covered her town with very few staring to wake up.

The closer she got to her house, she noticed herself sniff the air. Something was lingering and it made the hairs on her back stand up.

The closer she got, the stronger the smell was. She felt her heart speed up and her tongue turn in her snout. Just what was that smell? It was delicious. Her wolf wanted to run off and follow it.

Eun-ji ran into Erick. She hadn't noticed the older had stopped.

-I have to tell you something. The day the Moon Goddess visited me, she not only told me about us. But she also told me who your mate is.

Eun-ji was taken aback by this.

-She told you who my mate is? Why would she do that?

-I'm your protector, your warrior. She bestowed me with your safety in this.

-Why would she do that? What's going on?

-You are a direct descendant of the Moon Goddess herself. You and your mates have been chosen to strengthen her lineage once again. It's a long hidden aspect of our history that has been hidden.

-So you have know who my mate is?

-Mates. You have more than one mate.

-Mates? And you have kept this from me? Who are they?

-I'm sorry Eun-ji. All this has messed me up. I never wanted to lie to you.

Erick whimpered. Eun-ji felt bad and went up the the larger wolf and licked his face.

-I know you have. I understand. The Moon Goddess chose you to bear all the truth.

Erick whimper and shook at her kind words.

-Eun-ji you are too kind. I'm sorry for everything but Just know that I love you.

He licked her face and muzzle her neck. Her kissed always made him feel better. She laid on the floor and rolled over, completely submitting to him. He took the opportunity to rub himself on her neck, plunging himself in her sweet scent.

Eun-ji laid in pure bliss, her previos thoughts forgotten. She whined at Erick showing her affection.

Their interaction didn't last. Out of no where, Eun-ji heard snarls and aggressive growls. Then she saw four wolfs sink their teeth into Erick and drag him away from her.

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