Chapter 3

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They finally made it home.

The four men rushed thru the pack houses once their little town came into view. Thank the Moon Goddess everything still looked just as old and run down as it did when each of them left, with maybe a few new added houses.

They didn't care to change into their human forms. They ran to the center of the village, where the main house, their parents house was.

Their mom was patiently waiting for them right at the front porch. She was a very beautiful women, but her sons noticed her face had more wrinkles and her hair painted a few grey hairs.

They all wanted to jump on her, but contained their excitement to just sitting on a line waiting patiently for their mother to give each hugs and kisses.

They watched with excited tails as their mother made her way down the porch and threw herself at the first one on the line, Seokjin.

She squeezed him so tight he thought the air was going to get caught off from his lungs. However, he didn't protest. It had been ten long years since he last saw his mother. Being the oldest had its downsides.

He let her give him all the hugs, kisses, and scenting she wanted.

Next stood Taehyung. He let himself be pampered with his mother's love.

Yes all of them missed her very much.

After hugs and kisses were given, they rushed to get changed and dressed.

They felt so happy to be home.

Once they emerged fully human and clothed, they all fought over who got more hugs and kisses from mother.

Now their father was a good father. He was strong and rational. He never really showed affection, to his wife definitely, but to everyone else maybe an occasional hug, a back rub, but he was always there to hear them with their struggles. He made sure to raise his boys right, humble and grateful.

Everyone looked up to him, for always being strong, justified and compassionate.

He waited patiently for his four sons to finish fighting over the affection of their mother so he could also hug them. He also missed them greatly.

Everyone was so caught in the reunion they didn't notice one particular person missing.

Eun-ji had left to her room instead of sticking around. She had a huge window where she could go in and out. She still needed to clean herself from her patrolling and to clear her mind from before.

She went in for a quick shower.

Her mind kept on replying how her wolf reacted to her brother. This absolutely bothered her. She wasn't a stranger to Alphas. She was surrounded by them.

Her Erick was an Alpha.

And if Taehyung had come up to her she knew she would have had the same reaction. It bothered her how her wolf had submitted to him, completely.

There are times were she could at least try to fight her submissive nature, which never really happened. All the Alphas in her life never abused their power.

She eventually had to go down and meet her family for dinner. She got out of the shower dressing in shorts, a white tank top and just letting her hair loose so it could dry.

She mustered all the courage to go meet her older brothers.

Before she made it to dining room, the four men could smell her. Her scent was even more prominent now that she had shower.

Hopefully she wouldn't make things awkward. She walked in like nothing happened, not paying attention at the looks her brothers gave her.

The four men finally had a chance to see how much different their sister was.

She had grown tall, about the same height as Jimin, if not taller. She had a light caramel complexion, probably from staying outside so long. Her hair was long, having a wavy texture to it. Her plump lips, high bridge nose and big chocolate almond shape eyes. Her eyebrows were arched, a dark color as well.

She was stunning. Her brothers were shocked at how beautiful their sister had become.

She, however, didn't pay much attention. Her tummy was growling at how hungry she was.

She said hi to her parents, going up to her mother and given her a kiss, making sure to exaggerate the smaking noise.

"Hi dad!!" She went up to him and did the same, giving him three kisses instead of one.

She loved and respected her parents more than anyone in the world. They were her everything.

She finally remembered her brothers were also sitting at the dining table.

It was a long rectangle table. To one side was father, mom, Seokjin, Hoseok, with Taehyung and Jimin sitting in front of the four.

A shriek interrupted their light chatter.

"Wait, Mochi??!!!" Mochi was her nickname for Jimin. It was probably one of her favorite desserts. She remembered him with cute baby fat cheeks. This Mochi had a sharp jaw with the same eye smile.

She was beyond shocked!!

"By the moon Goddess! Where did my Mochi go!?!"

She quickly made her way around to his side and poked his right cheek, making him roll his eye in annoyance.

"Wooow... dude you're like a man now!"

Everyone laughed at her cute outburst.

Jimin finally tuned to his right to see his sister's face inches from his. He felt his chest contract a little, but didn't pay much attention.

"Can you not call me mochi!"

"Aww your voice is still the same, Grumpy old man."

She sat down beside him, feeling more comfortable with him than the others.

"Are you sure she's turning 18 and not five?" Jimin looked over to his parents, making them laugh. He had a piece of steak on his plate and she quickly snatched it and ate.

Dinner kept on like this. They quarreled, reminisced on the past, and told stories on their new adventures.

By the end of the night, Eun-ji felt a little more comfortable with Seokjin and Taehyung.

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