Chapter 23

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****bold is in mind link**

"Looks like someone is feeling better." Taehyung couldn't help the boxy smiled that appeared on his face as Hoseok sat across from him, stuffing his face with noodles.

"Careful Tae, it's April fools today. Don't believe anything or anyone!" Jimin turned and glared at Jungkook.

"It was funny hyung! Don't be mad!" Jungkook busted into giggles as he thought of what he did to his brother.

"Kookie what did you do?"

"He filled my shampoo and conditioner with ketchup and mayonnaise!" Everyone laughed apart from Jimin and Namjoon.

"That's what that was!!" Everyone busted out laughing at Namjoon.

"Hyung! What do you mean? That's my shampoo and conditioner!"

"Well I sometimes use it Minie. I like how you smell."

Jimin's rage was replaced by soft pink tinted cheeks.

"Awww I keep telling you guys! MiniMoni is real!!" Now it was Namjoon's time to be flustered with Jimin at Taehyung's comment.

Jungkook found this funny and laughed so hard he almost fell out his chair.

"Well I remember Taekook. After everyone left and it was just the four of us those two looked like a married couple. They even gave each other a nickname: Taekook." Jimin was fast to say.

Everyone laughed this time except Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Aww Jimin. I'm sorry! But you don't have to be sour about it." Jungkook pouted at Jimin, hoping his puppy eyes would be enough to be forgiven.

"Hold on! You guys remember Kookie had the biggest crush on Namjoon?" Seokjin's squeaky laughed took everyone by surprised.

"I remember now! Poor dude was in love with Namjoon! I thought Kookie was never going to like girls because of Namjoon!"

Jungkook shriveled away from embarrassment as Namjoon snickered from remembering.

"Seokjin if I remember correctly weren't you and Namjoon like married? Remember Namjin?"

Seokjin abruptly stopped his laughter as his memories came back. The tip of his ears turned red as he remembered what Hoseok said.

"Oh is that how we are playing Hosoek? Remember Yoonseok?"

"Why are you dragging me in this Seokjin? I haven't done anything!" Yoongi protested and groaned which only made everyone laugh.

"I'm glad you are here Hoseok." Hoseok felt Namjoon's breath as the younger leaned over to his side and whisper those sweet words in the middle of the chaos.

Yoongi watched with curious eyes as Namjoon rubbed Hoseok's back.

Yoongi thought he felt his heart flutter at the site.


"Yoongi, what did you guys talk about?" Yoongi didn't know how to start so he just grabbed Seokjin and placed his hands over his head. Yoongi's eyes turned their grey void as he showed Seokjin all the nights Hoseok has stood by Eun-ji's door.

Seokjin could never get used to the feeling of seeing what Yoongi saw. His sight turning white always caused him panic. It felt like he was going loose his eye sight but them the images would play, like a fast movie invading all his senses. Yoongi's ability was one of a kind. Seokjin always thought it was the coolest out of all their abilities.

"Did he tell you why? What was going on?"

"He said it's because he hasn't seen Eun-ji. The last time he remembers her passed out and him using all his energy to save her. He woke up in a panic not knowing what happened and he hasn't been able to see her since then. His instincts are just all over the place right now."

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