Chapter 17

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Pain woke Eun-ji up.

Her body felt sore, and strapped in one place.

Last thing she remembered was the attack. Her mind slowly catching up to the events.

"Well it looks like our pretty omega is finally awake." A voice she didn't recognize startled her. She looked around. The place looked like a cave. A men stood a few meters from her. He was tall, lean, but muscular. His hair was long, clothes ripped. His hygiene non-existent.

"It's not every day we find such a beautiful omega wolf sleeping by herself? Did your mutts not keep track of you?"

She noticed there were more than one werewolf in the cave. She looked down. She was still in her wolf form, chained up.

She got nervous when she noticed the man get close to her. He stopped right above and bent down to pet her head.

"Shhh! Shhh! It's ok omega. We didn't mean to hurt you, but you would have not come with us otherwise. You have too much of a fight in you."

Eun-ji felt disgusted at the touch of the foreign man. She moved her body, trying to recoil from his touch.

He got up, making his presence hover above Eun-ji.

"Now, if you could please change, we would like to hear your voice pretty girl."

She whimpered. She wanted to get away, but her body was bruised and cut, sore, stained with blood.

"Either you transform or I break your ribs and you transform. And we know that's not pretty."

Going from wolf to human with broken bones was the most painful experience to a werewolf. The broken bones end up splinting inside body, ripping the tissue around. It was almost impossible to extract all the splinters from the inside, thus resulting in death.

"I won't tell you again! Fucking shift you omega cunt!" The men grabbed her ears and pulled on them harshly, making her shut her eyes.

She took one more look around and against everything she wanted to do, shifted.

Her human body had began to heal. She noticed some of the not too deep cuts had scabs already on them. Her skin was stained from her blood. She felt like her voice was gone. Her muscle were tense as she pulled her legs toward her chest, trying to cover as much of her bruised body as possible.

"Well aren't you a beauty?" Something dawn on her. How was she able to understand him? He clearly wasn't Korean.

"Well boys, it looks like she really is a virgin!" The men all around her chuckled, as they let their eyes linger on her naked body.

"She's even fuckable all bruised up!" Another man shouted.

She felt scared. These had to be rogues, that's the only explanation to this. Which only meant they had no standards and no respect to common laws.

"If anyone wants to fuck her first you know the deal." The man that hovered above her smirked. Her body shivered and ran cold.


These men could not be thinking of doing that to her.

Eun-ji began to cry, her sobs kept quiet. As broken as she felt, she didn't want to give them the full satisfaction of breaking down in front of them.

The man, who she concluded must be the leader, slowly walked towards the back of the cave.

She saw how four men stepped up, all baring their sharp teeth and claws to each other.

No one moved.

Then one of them sprinted and attacked another. The movement was so fast, Eun-ji almost didn't catch it with her tired-out state.

And that's how's they continued. To claw each other, beating each other up until one man was standing out of the four.

The winner.

"You may have her." The leader's announced as the man delivered the last hit to his opponent on the floor.

Eun-ji started to shake. She was not going to go down without a fight. As much pain as her body is in, she was going to kill him.

As the men came close to her, he spat blood.

"You better be a good fuck because I got hit in the face for you." His voice was raspy. His smell was just as bad as the leaders.

He came close to her and gripped her hair, making her look up to him.

"All righty omega, it's been a long time since I've had a women, you better not disappoint me."

Eun-ji looked up at the man. She noticed the scratches on his face from the fight. She had her hand on a rock, which she swung as he bent down to her level.

She hit him right on his face. A crack of a bone was heard.

The men around snickered and laughed as the man cover his nose with his hand.

Blood dripped from his nose.

"You fucking bitch!" He launched at her punching her in the face.

"You aren't so fucking brave now huh?!" Eun-ji felt her jaw be dislocated. The pain too much for her to handle.

Her air restricted when he grabbed her by the neck and suspended her in the air. She struggled and tried to rip his hand from her neck, but he was too strong.

"That's it, struggle like the little cunt omega you are. You will beg for me to have my way with you in the end." He spat on her face.

Her eyes began to see dark spots. Her struggle became limp.

"Let her go before you kill her." The leader commanded.

She dropped to the floor, gasping for air. She left how he picked her up and laid her across the floor of the cave. Her body too tire to fight the roaming hands she felt.

She kept grabbing her neck while the men kept touching her. He groped her chest and thighs. As she felt his hand make his way to between her legs, she thrashed around.

The man got up and kicked her in the stomach. She gasped for air. How much more could she fight off.

While she was gasping for air, she felt the man touch her again, plunging a finger in her.

"The bitch is not wet."

"Fucking spit her pussy dude. We want to get some too!" A men shouted from the sidelines.

The men above her chuckled and opened her legs up, to have a better view.

"Damn, you must be one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen." Eun-ji heard him say before she felt his spit hit her sensitive hole.

He began to circle his fingers around her lips, then plunging them inside her.

The discomfort and how dirty she felt brought tears to her face. With the latest bit of strength she kicked the man in the face, only to be kicked in the stomach again. This time she spat blood.

She tried to grab onto her stomach, but the chains became to heavy to move.

She heard the man take his cloth of.

She felt more spit land between her legs.

She felt as the man position himself between her legs.

She felt as the man rubbed the head of his dick between her folds, moaning from anticipation.

She felt the men began to enter her before she blacked out.

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