Chapter 43

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His anger evaporated once he saw the damage.

Eun-ji's left cheek had three deep claw marks, with blood coming down to her neck.

"You fucking asshole!" Erick got off the ground and punched Namjoon right on the jaw before pushing him down.

"Fuck! Erick! Stop!"

Erick didn't pay attention to her pleads or sobs as he delivered another blow to his face.

Mid-air for his third punch, Erick felt two bodies hoist him off Namjoon and restrained his arms as they pushed him off.

"It's one thing wanting to hurt me but her?! What the actual fuck is wrong with you!?"

Jimin and Jungkook looked over at Eun-ji, who was tucked into herself, silent tears pouring, with deep cuts adorning her face.

Jimin rushed over to her. At first, she didnt know what was happening. Could it me an illusion? Could she want to see her mates so much she's manifesting their presence?

Her cry stopped when she felt the gentle touch of her angel. He caressed her cheek, concentrating on the cut. She took the opportunity to take a closer look. His eyes showed so much care for her, pools of beautiful brown. His lips were an open invitation for a feast, water for her parched heart. And his touch, it felt like he wanted to cherish her, keep her safe, a soft blanket for the winter, and a cool breeze in the summer.

She felt hypnotized with his presence, her eyes glued to his face.

He was beautiful.

"Jungkook, take Namjoon to the mating house."

Jungkook nodded at Jimin's command. Very slowly, he let go of Erick and made his way toward his hyung on the floor.

Namjoon didn't want to push Erick off. When he saw what he had done, he wanted to rip off his hand. He deserved those punches and more for hurting one of his mates, his only omega.

His wolf was submerged in regret and so was he. How could he let his anger take control of his actions? How could he not register that sweet floral scent coming up to them? How could he have ignored the tingles that shot up his arm at the touch?

How could he have failed at the one thing he wanted to do?

Jungkook went to Namjoon. He was already a mess but now he looked devastated.

"Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry, I didn't mean to do it, to hurt her, I'm sorry..." Jungkook heard the quiet pleads Namjoon kept chanting.

"Hyung, you are still in your rut, we need to take you to the mating house before anything else happens." Jungkook's was gentle voicing out the simple command.

Namjoon's denial suddenly hit as he got up, with tears in his eyes searching for Eun-ji.

Jungkook flinched at his unexpected movement and Erick took a defiant stance. He was ready to kill if it meant keeping Eun-ji safe. Jimin quickly hid Eun-ji behind his back, not that he could do much hiding, Eun-ji was pretty much his height.

Like a crazy man, his eyes roamed until they landed on Jimin, but more importantly, on the person being shielded by him.

"Baby..." Namjoon's hoarded voice reached Eun-ji ears, making her flinch just a tab, "I didn't mean to hurt you, never you. I promise."

Eun-ji froze at his sincerity. She wanted to comfort him and tell him everything is okay. That she knew he didn't mean it.

Namjoon took a careful step forward only to be pushed back by Erick.

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