Chapter 50

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They felt cold.

The sound of his body still echoed in their minds.

They stood frozen as they watched that wicked man go behind Yoongi and take his life away with one movement.

They watched as his eyes lost their life, their sparkle. They watch as his face became a hard veil. They heard how his heart stopped beating.

They saw, again and again, his body hit the ground, with no one to catch him.


Their hearts went dumb at the scene.

They watched as one of their soulmates died, his body now lifeless on the ground.

The Luna's sob woke everyone from their trance. She rushed over but got stopped by Chul, who struggled to kept her from running to her dead son.

Everything happened so fast yet time seamed to slow down.

In a taunting, slow motion Santos moved to his next target, stabbing him in the stomach. They helplessly watched as he dug the knife deep, their mate spitting blood in an instant.

The Luna's screams brought them back from their minds and into reality.

Jimin looked over, his heart breaking from what was happening. He could feel his ability grow, powered by the pain of getting his heart broken.

"Kill yourself.." it was a whisper but his power seem to sweep them off their feet as men started to repeatedly stab themselves, or fight with each other over getting something to kill themselves.

Santos turned around to the chaos, his smile now wiped off. He didn't know what was happening.

Jungkook felt himself shake from the rage, from heartbreak, from seeing his huyng die and his other laid on the floor with blood coming out the wound. He saw how Taehyung was fighting to stay alive.

He pushed all his angered, all his pain and without second thoughts, exploded five men from the inside. Santos watched perplexed how within seconds his men began to fall to the ground, blood coming out their mouths, ears and eyes.

Rage controlled his next move. He was not going to let himself lose being so close to winning. Santos moved quickly towards Seokjin, with his knife in the air. He felt his knuckles turn white from how hard he was holding onto the knife, from all his strength being directed to one blow.

The ground beneath them both shook, Santos losing his step and falling to the ground. He tried to reach for Seokjin, fingers brushing his skin when a tree root bursted through the ground and wrapped around his wrist. The roots seemed to be moving on their own, moving around like vines to asphyxiate, to strangle him. He screamed as he tried to escape, as he tried to kill Seokjin, but Namjoon's rage was stronger than him. He tightened the roots around his arms as boned cracked and brought him down to his knees.

Namjoon felt the fucking witch began to run but his roots were faster. The ground underneath him caved and roots covered his body completely. Namjoon knew he could find a way to escape his prison, so he stabbed his roots thought his body, making sure to barely keep him alive.

Hoseok was the first to move. He ran towards Taehyung, ripping a piece of clothing and putting pressure on his wound. His shaky hands and blurred eye sight almost didn't let him do the simple task, but he took deep breaths and concentrated in saving his mate.

Jimin and Jungkook ran to Yoongi, his body still showed signs that it was once alive. His skin, despite being tortured still held some warmth. Jungkook threw himself on his older mate. Memories of comfort flooded his mind. Yoongi was his safe space, the only one that wouldn't scream or yell, no matter how annoying he got.

Jimin thought about all the time Yoongi choose him. Always him. How many times Yoongi would say he was the sweetest out of his brothers.

Their cries were loud as they shook Yoongi, Jungkook begging for him to come back. But their pleads were met with silence.

Eun-ji also reacted and ran past Selene to Seokjin. His face fully decorated with bruises and dried blood, but she couldn't help think how handsome he looked. How grateful she was that he's ok. She rushed to his side and with her strength, carried him towards the main house.

Seokjin felt the presence of one of his mates beside him. He felt the sparks what invaded his body as their skin touched. He felt himself be swallowed in a garden, flowers blooming in the spring. He felt his body lean into the touch, into the comfort his mate provided.

The Luna, Chul and Selene all rushed to aid Eun-hi and took his body off her back against her will. Instincts kept telling her to care for his alpha mate. Instincts were constantly reminding her of the whole in her heart. An abyss that would never be filled.

The Luna was a crying mess but she dried her tears. Now was not the time for them. With shaky hands she took care of her baby, tending to his wounds. Seokjin pushed her hands away as he cried. He wanted to run out back to his mates. He wanted to be dead instead of Yoongi. He regretted not talking to them. He regretted not trying to understand, not taking his time to stop and think. Now his heart was beyond repair.

He cried as the Luna tried to calm him down. He cried as he heard the desperation in Jungkook's voice, the longing in Jimin's. He cried for Hoseok telling Taehyung to stay awake.

He cried.

His heart couldn't take it anymore. He pushed the Luna away and with the little strength he had left, ran back outside. He saw how his father, Namjoon and Erick were in front of two people tangled in roots. He saw how there were people still trying to kill themselves and others dying.

He saw how lifeless Yoongi's's body looked.

And he saw how Taehyung's life was slipping away, before he blacked out.

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