Chapter 24

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**bold is mind link**

Erick had everything prepared for his night run with Eun-ji.

Maria had taken a change of Eun-ji's clothes and had given them to Erick. He had a tent with a fire pit ready by the waterfall with everything to make s'mores. He even made some horchata, a drink made from blending rice and milk with some spices and condense milk. It was his baby's favorite.

He wanted to have a fun night with Eun-ji, something to distract her from her room. The plan was the night run in their wolf forms then sit by a campfire.

Maria and Jay had help him set up everything.

After having dinner with her family, he patiently waited for Eun-ji. He almost, almost didn't remind her of their plans. She kept laughing at her brothers. It warmed his heart to see her brothers tease each other, telling each other's embarrassing moments just to make her laugh.

Seokjin and Yoongi were, if they were honest with themselves, trying really hard to distract Eun-ji from Erick.

All day they had been more than irritated at having to share Eun-ji with Erick and when they saw it was finally time for their run, both oldest brothers told everyone through their mind link of Erick's plan. The maknaes pulled their best puppies eyes as the ultimate distraction.

They were being more chaotic than usual, trying their best to keep their baby sister laughing and from making any type of contact with her boyfriend.

What irritated them even more was that Erick was not doing anything to stop them. He just laughed along with them throwing comments here and there. 

They had to find some type of dirt on this guy. It couldn't be that he was just a perfect men for his sister.

Babe, are you ok? You don't seem to be talking too much?

Erick's heart quicken from Eun-ji's soft words through their shared mind link.

Did your heart just picked up? She side glanced at her boyfriend, just enough to see him turn his face to the side.

Stop blaming me! You know how you make me feel.

Eun-ji felt her heart combust at Erick's reaction.

Ok, I was just kidding. Are you feeling ok? You're not talking to them. I would think you guys already compared dick size because how close you have gotten.

Yeah. I'm ok... I was just wondering if you still want to go run with me?

"Oh Gosh! I completely forgot!" Eun-ji suddenly outburst made Hoseok and Seokjin jump in their seats.

"Erick! Why didn't you remind me?" Erick got ready to answer just to be caught off.

"Never mind! C'mom! Let's go!" She got out her chair and took Erick's hand in hers, bragging him out of his seat.

"Bye guys! Good night!" She shouted as she headed over her room with her man stumbling behind her.

The group of brothers sat there throwing daggers with their eyes as the couple exited the room.

"So much for the distractions." Taehyung couldn't help scoff.

"Guys. Don't do this. Erick has the right to spend time with her. We know this."

Jimin and Jungkook rolled their eyes at Namjoon's words.

"Whatever, Im out of here." Both boys said and got up to leave, their attitudes sour by the fact their sister had dismissed them so easily.

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