Chapter 21

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Her hands felt numb. It began with a tremble but now they just felt numb. Her chest hurt too. She felt it, a constant pressure in her chest. Her breathing was shallow. Maybe it was her short breaths that made her heart palpitations happen.

Her surroundings were not clear. She was losing control of herself.

"Fuck! She's having an anxiety attack!"

She remembers being able to feel Jimin's hand on hers.

Why couldn't she feel anything?

Was she dead?

The uncontrollable shivers running down her body were the only thing she could wrap her head on.

The pain on her chest was getting worse.

"Baby? Can you hear my voice? Can you look at me?"

In the back of her mind, she vaguely recognized that voice. It belong to someone who had showed her love. Despite their differences. He had always been there.

"Baby? Can you come back to me? Can you look at me?"

She needed to look at him? Her body wasn't cooperating and it was frustrating. The pain in her chest almost made it to were she couldn't breathe. She panicked because she couldn't make her body move.

"Baby? I know you can do it! I know my strong baby is there. Come back to me amor."

The longing in the voice was enough for her to look up and meet a pair of deep brown eyes, tan skin and dark hair.

Erick was there. He wasn't yelling or making her feel bad. He was looking at her with love and adoration.

"Baby? Breath for me. Take deep breaths and focus on me."


Was she not breathing?

Her mind was spiraling with thoughts and her body seemed to be acting on its own.

Her breaths were shallow, she realized. Her chest felt constricted. She couldn't breath.

"Baby, please breath! Take a deep inhale of air, focus and push it to your stomach."

The voice sounded desperate.

She took a deep breath of air, her lungs expanding. Her chest hurt a lot and she couldn't move her hands.

"It's ok, just keep on breathing. You just went through the portal and you are safe with us. Safe with me amor. Hoseok has been taken to our healers, they are going to help him."

He's safe. Knowing there were people looking after him now made her feel better.

"Everyone is here, you are here with us, safe baby. Amor, I love you."

Her eyes snapped at his words.

He loves her? Even when she's not good anymore?

"Baby, don't give me that face." Erick's laughter made her concentrate on him. "You are crazy if you think I'm going anywhere. No matter what happens, I'm here for you." He caressed her check. He took a hold of her hands, noticing the shaken had gone down.

"Now tell me, who is behind me?" Her eyes wondered behind his head and saw six men staring at her. Their eyes were worried, mixed with something she didn't know.

"My brothers are here." Her voice was strained, barely a whisper, but it was enough.

Erick smiled. "Of course they are here. They love you." Eun-ji felt herself smile at the thought of her brothers loving her.

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