Chapter 10

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******Bold is mind link

Erick felt how Eun-ji's mood changed. She had a lose grip on his hand, her head was down and her steps almost looked dragged and forced.

"Ok amor, what's wrong Bebe?" Erick suddenly stopped and turned around to caress Eun-ji's arms.

"I just...they really messed up my mood. I have been so happy to introduce you to them. I was so happy to have them back before me leaving and it just all went down. How can everything change so quickly?" Eun-Ji finally looked up to meet Erick's eyes.

They were glossy, sadness coming through their cracks.

"Baby, don't let this bring you down. It's ok. We just got started badly but it doesn't mean things can't get better. They always get better."

"Yeah I know. I don't know why I care so much. I just really wanted them to meet you. It never crossed my mind they would behave like this."

"Baby, they are your brothers, and I will respect them but I hope you know I was holding back. I was getting ready to beat the shit out of those alphas."

Eun-ji laughed at Erick's words.

"Yeah I know. Thank you for not beating up my brothers." She leaned in for a sweet kiss.

Erick's breath hitched when he felt the softness of her lips on his.

"Fuck. I've missed you so much baby."

Eun-ji yelped when Erick roughly pulled her more into him. His right hand latched on her neck and his left on her waist. He landed his lips on her hers, desperately to feel her.

To feel her warmth, her tongue, her smooth skin. He wanted to bathe in her scent. He wanted to smell how much he affected her.

The kiss was rough. Eun-ji almost couldn't keep up with the hunger.

Erick kept pushing his tongue on her mouth, almost forcing it. His hand firmly on her neck not letting her go. He's growls grew dark when Eun-ji fought back in the kiss.

He wanted her.

He wanted her in the most raw way possible.

The most vulnerable.

He wanted to be buried deep in her warmth. To feel her slick drip down his dick.

He moaned when she bit his lip. He growled when he smelled her wetness. Her sweet aroma. If he could just mark her, sink his teeth in the most sensitive part of her neck, she would be his.

Eun-ji needed to bring Erick back to her. She had to pushed him off to gasp for air. He growled at her and his eyes turned crimson red.

"Baby.... We need... to get to" She was able to say between breaths.

Erick grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her head back, exposing her neck to him. Eun-ji softly whimpered, but she decided to just let him take over. The Alpha needed time to calm down.

Her body trembled when he ran his lips up and down her neck, beverly touching, but enough to have shivers erupt down her back.

"Baby, please be mine." His voice was octaves deeper. He pressed a soft kiss onto her pulse gland.

Eun-ji almost felt her eyes roll back from the pleasure this one action brought. She moaned when he nipped her skin at such a sensitive spot.

"Baby, be mine." Erick was beyond reason. He wanted her. He wanted to mark her as his mate. He felt his sharp canine teeth appear, ready to sink into her delicate skin.

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