Chapter 6

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Jimin kept laughing as he chased his sister on Jungkook's back out of the living room. He didn't know why such simple act gave him such pleasure as a thrill.

His body was itching to transform and to give up to the chase, which was crazy, because it was only his last two siblings.

He has heard chases are one of the most intimate things mates do. To let their wolf forms submit to instinct and just follow the high of the chase, not caring of the danger because both partners know their bond is enough to bring them to each other.

Jimin wondered if chasing his mate would make his body feel like it was right now. All his senses felt heighten. His vision focused only in the two of them as they kept turning corners.

His ears caught into every step on the wooden floor, every huff of air that slipped past their mouths, every giggle both of them sounded.

His palate tasted burnt caramel with sweet flowers mixed together.

Such intoxicating combination.

His sharp teeth began to appear as he saw Jungkook rush into a room. He needed to get into the room and trap both of them inside.

Jimin hadn't realize he had slipped into hunting mode. He just knew he needed to catch the two of them.

His mind no longer registered them as siblings, as his own blood.

His canine teeth wanted to mark.

His body to scent what belong to him.

His predatory gazed stopped at two bodies spread out on the floor.

That sweet floral scent invaded his nose, much more powerful than before.

He froze at the door completely captivated by their presence.

The other two were completely unaware of the intense aura their brother was emitting.

Jungkook had tripped as he rushed into his sister's room. Both landed on the floor, laughing.

And both stayed in the floor, laughing at nothing.

"Why... would you... have that damm seat in front.... Of the door?" Jungkook was able to say between laughs, as he held his stomach.

"I... forgot.. to move it." Eun-ji tried to calm down. She decided to make eye contact with Jungkook, which resulted in another laughter fit.

Jimin stood at the door, watching them laugh with such innocence.

His mind slowly came back to him, his body becoming more relaxed as he listened to his brother's and sister's attempt to talk in their laughter.

His body relaxed, his sharp teeth retracted, leaving only his crooked smile.

He snapped himself out of such primal desire. Taking deep breaths as he closed his eyes.

"Chimchim, are you ok?" Eun-ji focused her attention in her older brother, who seemed to be struggling with air. Her ears picked up his deep long breaths.

Jungkook also noticed how rigged his posture looked.

"Oh Chimchim?" Jimin snapped his eyes open at the irritating nickname his brother decided to call him.

"Oh mochi chimchim, don't just stand there! Come inside!" It was at the moment Jimin decided to pounce on Jungkook, making sure to push him farther into the floor.


Hosoek and Namjoon made their way to their empty room.

It wasn't empty; everything had been left intact: their beds, nightstand, closet, clothes.

Everything was just the way they left it all those years ago.

Their rooms were on the east side of the house, lined up on a long hallway, with glass sliding doors that made it possible for them to run into the forest if needed.

Seokjin and Yoongi roomed together. Hoseok and Namjoon, and the three younger ones in one.

Their parents room was located on the second floor, and Eun-Ji's to the west side.

Even when they were in the opposite side of such a huge house, they could all heard their sisters laughter. Along with Jungkook and Jimin fighting over what game they should play.

Hosoek felt his face lit up at their bickering. His hand automatically reached out to his necklace resting around his neck. The back of his neck felt warm just thinking about Eun-ji making it for him.

"At least those three have some type of energy left." Hoseok looked over at Namjoon who threw himself on his bed, face down.

"You should change clothes Joon. Now that all of us are back, the counsel is going to want to meet with us."

Namjoon felt a deep groan escape his lips at the thought of the upcoming meetings.

"You know they will want to know everything."

"Yeah I know, but it's just so exhausting. All of us are going to tell them the same thing." Namjoon turned over to look at the ceiling above him.

"Yeah I know but it's protocol. It wouldn't be so important if we weren't the packs leader sons."

Namjoon groaned, again.

So much responsibility felt on his shoulders and he was fourth born.

"I don't know how you do it hyung." Namjoon heard a chuckle from the room over. He knew Seokjin would hear him.

They both heard footsteps approaching their door and a soft knock.

Taehyung opened the door, loose pijamas already on him.

"Can I sleep with you guys today?" The alpha asked so quietly it was almost hard to hear him. "I'm alone tonight."

Taehyung was an alpha with very cute tendencies.

"Do you still like to cuddle while you sleep?"

Taehyung shyly nodded his head to Namjoon's question.

"Of course Tae! We missed you!" Taehyung felt himself relax at Hoseok's outburst.

"How come you're not going to Seokjin's and Yoongi's room?" Namjoon raised his eyebrow.

"I really don't think my two older alpha brothers are going to let me cuddle them."

A 'fuck no' followed a slap was heard next door.

"Don't be mean to your younger brother Yoon!"

"See what I mean." Everyone laughed as Taehyung rolled his eyes.

A 'I wound cuddle you came' from Seokjin.

"It's fine, I'll sleep with you tomorrow."

Taehyung didn't want to admit but wanted to sleep with Hosoek. He hugged their little sister and her sweet floral lingered on his skin. Her scent brought serenity to Taehyung. Mixed with Hoseok's lavender scent made a perfect calming effect.

A 'How's he even an alpha?' And another slap followed by a groan was heard.

'Oh shut it Yoongi. It's not like you aren't a simp for them!'

"Alright guys! Let's go to sleep!"

Everyone tiredly shuffled at Namjoon's words, following his directions.

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