Chapter 13

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It shouldn't have taken long for three grown adults to wash dishes and clean up the kitchen.

But it did.

First, the alphas hurried out the living room, mind linking each other so their sister wouldn't hear the plan Hoseok had come up with.

And for their plan to work Jimin and Jungkook had to stall Eun-ji as much as they could.

They picked up the plates and headed over to kitchen.

Jungkook cleaned the counters, very very slowly.

Jimin and Eun-ji were in charge of washing the dishes.

Jimin was scrubbing a pot when he decided to accidentally splash Eun-ji with the sponge. White foam decorated her shirt and face as she gasped when the cold liquid made contact.

"Jimin! Why would you do that?"

Jungkook turned around seeing their plan was in action.

He ran over to her other side were he took the sink faucet and detached it pointing it to his sister.

He turned on the cold water to the max and drenched Eun-ji.

Eun-ji gasped as the water hit her white shirt, making her cold. Jungkook had splashed her and the floor, making a mess.

Jimin was on her other side rolling on top of the counter laughing, his squeaky airy laugh bouncing of the walls.

"Jungkook! What the fuck!!"

"That's what you get for telling me I'm to young know what you and Erick were doing." Jungkook grinned, as he crossed his arms across his chest.

Eun-ji was still looking down at her clothes, the floor, not believing what her brother had just done.

"Oh you're dead!" Eun-ji launched at Jungkook, grabbing the sponge from Jimin and throwing at him. Jungkook was fast. He ran, dodged the sponge, which only pissed Eun-ji more.

Jungkook ran around the counter, giggling as he made a safe distance between him and his sister.

"Jungkook! If you don't get back here! You are dead!"

"Ji-ah you're too slow. Must be an omega thing." Jungkook smirked at his sister, trying to piss her off more.

Her eyes turned blue, a sign of her wolf wanting to come out.

"You are dead." Eun-ji sprinted and jumped over the counter so quick it made Jimin stop laughing.

Jungkook didn't have time to react as he saw a blur come at him and tackle him down to the floor.

He landed with a loud thud, his lungs feeling the impact. Eun-ji growled as she position herself on top of him, bent down to put her forearm to his neck.

Jungkook felt his world disappeared as her face was above his. Her blue eyes were sharp, mesmerizing even. Her anger made her dominant. He could feel himself become afraid of her.

"What's wrong Kookie? Didn't expect for an omega to take you down?" Her playful whisper made his gut twist and his heart pick up.

"The big bad beta is not so big now is he." Eun-ji let go of her brothers neck and sat up straight, still straddling him.

Jungkook was distracted by her shirt. He was trying really hard not to glance at his sister, but her white shirt was wet. Her eyes still in their blue color, which only made her skin tone pop more. Her hair was cascading on the side of her face.

Her smirked was a turn on.

Jimin wasn't feeling any better. Seeing Eun-ji take down Jungkook was hot. Her response time and her form were amazing.

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