Chapter 45

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"Can you tell me why you're so restless?"

Taehyung look over at the beautiful girl resting her chin on his bare chest. He found her cheeks adorable, always wanting to pinch them. Her smile was perfect and her beauty just the same. He loved her long, dark hair.

"I don't know what you are talking about Ms. Kim." He reached over to tuck her hair behind her left ear, "I feel just fine." He took his hand and moved it down her neck, gently touching the marks that had began to purple now.

"Well Mr. Kim, I just happened to noticed you staring into space. You feeling ok?" Taehyung couldn't help frown at the name she had mentioned.

"Kim? Why are you calling me that?"

"What you mean? It's your last name Taehyung." She laughed a little, sending him a teasing smile.

"No it's not. That's not my parents last name." He felt irritated at her. He gently pushed her off as he sat in the bed.

"Ok Tae, if you say so." She rolled over in the bed, laying next to him. Why was her presence so annoying to him.

"My last name is Nam. Not Kim." She looked over at him with a soft smile.

"I've always admired the way you looked up to the Alpha. I think it's beautiful you want to have his last name. I'm sure they would have adopted you. Why didn't they? They practically raised you all didn't they?"

"Raised us all? What are you talking about?"

"I mean they did! Everyone knows you guys are close. A little too close actually." She wiggled her eyebrows at him, "I wouldn't be surprised if you guys decided to all be together."

"Wait who is together?"

"Taehyung, you don't have to pretend. Everyone's sees the way you seven stare at each other. Not to mention how protective you are of Eun-ji." Taehyung didn't say anything as he tried to make sense of her words.

"I'm sure the Alpha and Luna wound be happy if you decided to be together. You won't be the first to not wait for mates."

"Wait, are you saying us seven? As in my brothers?"

"Well yeah, everyone's just waiting for the day you all announce your marriage. I'm surprised none of you guys are helping each other with your ruts."

"Are you out of your fucking mind? Do you hear yourself? My brothers can't help me out in my rut!"

"It's cute how you keep defending your brotherhood. Tae, just because you grew up together doesn't mean you have to see each other as brothers and nothing more. Affection changes between people."

Taehyung didn't say anything after that. He couldn't make sense of her words.

"Come here and cuddle me. You promised me cuddles before the next wave hits."


It wasn't their first kiss.

It wouldn't even be consider a kiss, just lips pushed up against each other. Nothing more, nothing less. Not even that initial push was left, for both of them became paralyzed at the touch.

Both of them became captured in a pure moment of bliss, of ecstasy, of a raging fire and clear calm skies. A serene ocean, waves forces to stay down, but underneath the calm waters, a raging whirlpool of emotions threaten to jump out.

Just a brush of two set of lips, made for each other.

At first a brusque movement, controlled by pure instinct, by the haste, the need, but upon contact, turned into an intimate and slow burn, an explosion of pleasure and completeness.

The impulse in which Namjoon took Eun-ji in his arms evaporated when his lips landed on Eun-ji's. The soft cushion and the warmth of her lips, the way her body grounded him to reality, the way she became his reality, became his everything.

Her smell invaded every part of his essence, the scent printed forever in his soul. The tingles and the joy his body felt shuddered any thought he had about leaving his mates.

It was real. His mate was Eun-ji. This crazy idea wasn't made up and it wasn't something he could ever walk away from.

Not from her or any of them.

Eun-ji couldn't denied how her body reacted to him. All the kisses or the touches Erick had given her could never come close to the euphoria her body felt with the tender touch. A rich and deep connection formed itself on the idea of her mate. She could feel her soul recognize Namjoon as hers.

But as much as her body told her it was right, she couldn't bring herself to kiss him back, but she couldn't pull away either.

Erick was the first to respond. He could feel his body ignite at the sight. Namjoon had first hurt her and now he was kissing her without her permission, knowing damn well things are not good between any of them. He stepped up just to be blocked by Jimin and Jungkook. Both betas looked ready to attack in order to defend. Their eyes glowed their yellow, and their claws looked sharp ready to swing.

"Don't you dare touch them," Jimin spoke in a low raspy voice.. His soft face features were harden to an intimidating look; eyes sharp and jaw tight. The beta was ready to fight against anyone for his mates.

Erick looked passed them and saw how Eun-ji gently pushed Namjoon off.

"Namjoon, I... I th-think there are a lot of things that need to be discussed." Her voice was soft, but anyone could hear how she had been affected by the kiss.

Namjoon took a deep breath, slowly moving away from her and shook his head yes. He didn't think he could speak. His body felt like jello at the thought of what he had just done.

"Jimin, Jungkook, please help Namjoon to the mating house. I don't think... it's a good idea for me to go."

They didn't take their eyes off Erick as they both answered Eun-ji. They gave him one last look before turning around and smiling at Eun-ji and Namjoon.

Jimin went up to Namjoon and gave him a hug, to which Namjoon hoisted him up, flushing their bodies together.

Eun-ji could feel her cheeks heat up at their soft exchange as well as at the ghost feeling of Namjoon's lips that still lingered on her.

Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off them. They just looked so good in each others arms.

Maybe Namjoon's scent was driving everyone mad and it was making them feel things they shouldn't want.

Maybe once everything is over, they won't be able to look at each other anymore. Maybe they'll be able to go back to how things were before everything changed.

But right now, none of them could deny the bond between them was real, and very much alive.

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