Thanksgiving ||Melo Ball

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It was that time of the year. November 24. Thanksgiving time. Where we spent time with our families and all gathered at a family members house.

This day was meant to be spent with your loved ones but sometimes in the midst of it, you have to see people that you don't want to see.

"C'mon Saweetie. You gotta come." Zo whined trying to convince me to go to the dinner his family had planned tonight.

I wasn't interested because Lamelo was gonna be there and I know he was gonna be all booed up with miss Ana Montana.

It's not that I'm jealous or anything but it's just going to be awkward. And  anyone that knows me knows that I don't do awkward.

"I already told you no, I ain't changing my mind." I affirmed and refocused my attention on Zoey who was passed out on my chest.

I stroked her hair in a motherly way. I grew up with only one sister I took care of her when Ma was at work she's 16 now.

So I can't baby her and play with her hair like I do with Zoey.

She's grown now.

In a way I miss my sister. Zoey will always be like family to me regardless if Melo and I aren't together anymore, she'll always have a special place in my heart.

And I can't completely cut her off because she's got my number on her iPad and calls me when she can.

Zo was standing in the kitchen, he held onto the counter trying to come up with a way to break down my walls of stubbornness.

"Is it Melo? Because I can keep his ass in check." Zo started but I stopped him.

"There's no need to do that cause I'm not going." I declared.

"Please for me." He pleaded and Zo wasn't a beggar so for him to being doing all this extra stuff surely he really must mean it.

"Zo-" I tried protesting but he shut me down and made his way to the living room he kneels on his knees and grips both of my arms being mindful of his daughter in my arms.

"Please Diamanté." I literally doing anything just come." Zo whispered softly and I grinned before caving in.

He got up from his knees as if he didn't just beg.

"Why do you want me to come so bad anyways." I asked the eager boy in front of me.

"Because I know that's what Melo would want."


Zo parks his car and opens the door for me before going to the back get to Zoey out.

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