Shooting my shot || Jaren Jackson Jr

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"For the last time Achilles, I said no—"

"Why and are you being so stubborn man, I'm just trying to ball and you wanna be a party pooper." Achilles complained to his older sister with a mug on his face.

A few days ago the Memphis grizzlies had constructed, a basketball camp for those who share a interest in basketball.

Ages ranging  from 6-16. Luckily for Achillies he was just the right candidate for this. Standing at 6'3 at 15 with the body weight of a 18 year old.

Indeed did he have  the skills accept all he needed was a ride, as his mother would not allow him to leave the house unaccompanied.

As he was a mischief, and would most often turn up late at night rather than returning back straight away.

"Far out. You're just like Corey; never wanting to support my passions." Achilles shook his head dejected as he tried walking off.

"UH UH- Bring your ass over here. Now!"

Amelia couldn't believe what her brother had claimed, she was nowhere near like her dead beat father.

Corey never supported his sons dream to play pro because he was salty about his own experience. When he was younger, Corey was a athlete a Olympic sprinter  to be exact.

A damn great one too, especially in 100, 200 he dominated and shined wherever he went. It was only until one day drugs was found in his system.

Then his life went into shambles, the weekend prior he had taken cannabis and thought nothing of it .

However he later grew to regret  his decision ultimately he was kicked out of the Olympics and sent back to America.

Yet he never returned,and left his family to continue living in his own misery.

"First of all, I'm nothing like our pops and you know that. I'm nothing but supportive of your decisions."

"For Pete's sake, I'm the one that introduced you to that program. So I'm gonna take you and there and you're gonna put some damn respect on my name." She declared and her brother broke out into a grin.

"Alright sis. My fault, I just thought you didn't want to see me shine."

"Of course I do lil bro, I was just tired but you done guilt tripped me so I'm taking you."


As time began to progress, Amelia sat on the bleachers reviewing who the kids were doing all sorts of drills.

To say the least they appeared  to be ecstatic  that they were bonding while doing something that they loved.

Also, not to mention almost nobody was here all the parents must have went on a coffee run or did a drive by.

Honestly Mama L/n was just being extra, so just as Amelia was about to get up a deep voice stopped her.

"Don't tell me you're leaving now. I was getting ready to approach you." Turning around, a brown skin man was towering in front of her.

He was tall and I mean hella tall, probably above 6'0. His hair was thick and afro like, and he had this calm nature.

That made Amelia actually want to stay so she did.

The more she admired him the more she realised how handsome he actually was.

"Is that so? Why wait all this time you know I was mad lonely." She joked not beating around the bush.

Because she could see that he was nervous and his friend with the dreads in the back was not helping at all.

"I know. Just didn't want to come off as creepy I wouldn't wanna scare a pretty girl away." He slyly commented with a sly grin.

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