Little one || Melo Ball part 2

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Maeve/Your point  of view

Melo stumbles back a little grabbing onto my sweatshirt,so that he doesn't fall.

"W-Wait are you for real Maeve. Because if this is a prank, go pull out your stupid camera." He demands and I roll my eyes.

Is he slow?!  Why would I purposely lie about being pregnant with his kid? Melo is a child himself.

To be honest I definitely couldn't see myself having a child with him. But here we are I guess.

"No this is not a prank LaMelo. I'm being deadass if you want you can see the other test." Going upstairs, I retrieved the other 5 tests that were all positive taking a seat next to him.

He takes all of them his eyes scanning them carefully and attentively. This was the most quiet  and serious, I haven't seen him like this since he got drafted .

"See I'm not lying...Melo are you crying?!" I eye him in shock.

There he was staring at me with watery eyes, tears already dripping down his pale cheeks.

And lord help me- I almost laughed. Because what on earth is he crying about?

"Yes. I'm going to be a daddy, and I have the prettiest woman beside me carrying my seed." Suddenly he gets down on his knees, and grips my stomach.


"Shut up." He shushed me and I just groaned." I'm talking to my son." Here his crazy ass goes.

"Wassup little gang, you don't understand how excited I am to meet you. You gonna be just as handsome as your pops aka me. Please don't give your mama a hard time,  and I just pray that nothing bad may happen to the both  of you." Melo says and my eyes soften.

Okay I can't even lie that was kinda of cute but it's whatever.

"Alright so I'm gonna have Abel come by this week. And  we finna have him start moving your stuff into my crib." Melo announced like it was nothing.

Of course this gained my attention, my head snapped up from his lap.

"Are you okay? Nigga just because I'm carrying your child that doesn't mean we're together." I dry laughed and he just laughed too.

"Why is it because you got a nigga? Don't worry Darius won't be contacting you anytime soon."

See what I mean? Every guy I try to start a relationship with, Melos always on the other side to cockblock.

"Now you just done pissed me off. I don't get why you can't leave me alone. You have a damn girlfriend I'm sick of you." I stood up moving away from him.

"Calm down, you can't be stressing our baby. And don't say that. I don't have a damn girlfriend.  I told you shes just there." He said rolling his eyes as he followed me into my room.

"Gosh stop  being  So damn  delusional. The baby is not even fully developed to be stressed out. UGH YOU PISS ME OFF?!" I shouted slamming the door in his face.

Taking a seat on the bed, I began crying. You may ask why? I generally don't know if it's because of my hormones.

Or because Melo in general just aggravates me. I don't even know why I started messing around with his crazy.

If only I could go back and revisit my actions.

"Ma why are you crying?" Melo  asks bringing  me into a hug as I sobbed into his chest.

"Because of you." I mumbled and I assume  he just ignored me.

"If Ana pisses you off that much that I'll cut her off damn."

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