No love Klay ||Thompson part 4 🥀

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This is a long one so buckle up 🙇🏾‍♀️

Klay Thompson

A week later

It's been a week after the altercation happened where I saw with my two naked eyes Ben getting physical with Y/n.

When I caught it, straight away I went home and splashed my face in water thinking I was just seeing things.

Unfortunately, that was not the case. The image was still imprinted in my brain.

The first thing that came to mind was why the hell is y/n still with him.

And the second thing was how the fuck  was this Ben guy fooling the entire world.

They have no clue he's a woman beater if the NBA found out.  they would drop his Aussie self in the blink of an eye.

I always knew that guy was too good to be true. Their was some skeletons in his closet that needed to be revealed.

Because god only knows how long this girl has been going through this trauma.

"Uncle Klay catch!"  Canon didn't even give me to process what was going on.

Before, he threw the basketball which almost hit me in the face but luckily my reflexes kicked in and I caught it.

"Careful  Cannon— you almost knocked Uncle Klays teeth out." Ayesha sighs in relief and I just sent her a smile.

This boy was meant to play nfl.

"It's fine. Your boy does have a arm on him."

"He does too. Cannon can you go play with your Ryan? Uncle Klay and I have to talk about something really serious. Okay bubs." She pecks his forehead and he runs off.

"Would you like anything?"

"Black coffee please."

Ayesha makes the black coffee then plops down across from me.

I then began to break down what I saw at the  game. Ben getting physical with Y/n.

She was furious to say the least...

"I can't believe him." She snapped, standing up.

"After everything I specifically told him NOT to do, he goes around and does it. Gosh this is all my fault." I could tell she was getting emotional.

So I grabbed her hand gently and she squeezed mine.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm the one that helped set Y/n up with Ben. After he and Maya called off their engagement,and you and Y/n called the quits. I figured hey why not set the two up so they could grieve together. And now look what's happening." Ayesha ranted.

Her eyes were slightly teary and I knew that she was beating herself up over the situation.

However this was completely out of her hands. She had nothing to with Ben abusing Y/n, she just did what she thought was right for her friend.

"I can tell you're being self critical right now. Which is fine. But you didn't do anything Ayesha."I said softly. Esh wasn't the one that put her hands on y/n that's all Ben.

She just nodded wiping  the corner of her eyes.

"I know that Klay. But I'm the one that set them up-"

"Listen to yourself you sound crazy. Imma need you to wake up and stop crying." I demanded getting fed up.

She looked a bit startled.

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