Promises || Lamelo Ball ☂︎︎⚠︎︎

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Just a heads up this following chapter contains talk of depression and the mention of miscarriage.

So viewers discretion is advised and if you might find any of the following topics triggering please skip the chapter!

Don't mind the errors

"Have you lost your mind I'm not pregnant Melo." I scoffed at my boyfriend who came up with the bizarre thought.

He raises his hands in defence." I'm just saying it's logical. Besides it wouldn't hurt to try." He said wanting me to do a pregnancy test.

I had recently missed my period but I didn't think much of because I was stressed out from planning my grandparents anniversary.

They were coming down to Charlotte and my siblings had basically threw the responsibilities in my hands.

As if I didn't have my own life and problems. They always did this. Perks of being the second youngest.

"You're right..."

So I did the test and we both waited on the bed. Once the timer went we both jolted off the bed and dashed into the bathroom.

Melo was the first one to get to the stick and he laughed hysterically.

"What?! What's wrong." I urged impatiently, Melo continued screaming.

"You're pregnant babe!"

"Say mums..."

"I'm deadass look T." He showed me the test and there were two visible bright pink lines.

"Maybe it was a malfunction let's do it again." I proposed but Melo shut me down.

"What no. This test is legit are you blind." He gripped both of my shoulders." We're going to be parents."

I gaped up at him still thunderstruck.

"I'm going to be a mama?"

"Yes!" He chuckles I let out a squeal and launch myself into his arms.

We both laugh hysterically, exhilarating pulsing through our bodies. He spun me around shouting in happiness.

I was going to be a mother!


"Surely there's a explanation doc. She can't just be bleeding." My mother argued defensively. The doctor sighed tearing off her gloves chucking them in the trash.

"I understand Miss Beckham how devastating this must be. But I'm afraid Tamia has suffered a miscarriage." The doctor announced.

I felt all the colour drain from my face. My hands shook profusely I couldn't speak. I couldn't move.

I lost my baby.

The doctor continued explaining and breaking down the cause of my miscarriage but I zoned out completely.

What was I going to tell Melo? That I lost his baby that he won't be able to hear his child's first words because there's nothing there anymore.

"I'll leave you alone to discuss." The doctor sent me a sympathetic look and closed the door.

Once they left my mother grabbed both of my hands I glanced up at her teary eyed.

"Look at me baby. In no way is this your fault. Okay? Don't worry we'll be here every step of the way." She brought me into a embrace and I broke down.

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