Braiding | Gary Payton II

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Your pov

You were laid up on your bed trying to find a comfortable position. However your incision was being a bitch.Recently, you gave birth to your son Elijah Gary Payton, of course not naturally you had to have a c-section since Elijah was premature.

You thought that you weren't gonna make it but the help of the lord himself. You did. The procedure was smooth and you were sent on your way back home a week later.

Due to this c- section it limited you from doing things that you could usually do like physical activity's such as driving. You can't do this for 6 weeks.

"Gary!" You shouted out his name from the room hoping he could get you a glass of water.

No response.

"Baby!" You tried again, you were met with silence.

"Yes mummy." Amina, your 4 year old daughter asks skipping into the room.

Her curly hair was due to be done but of course you had nails in/ barley any strength to move.

"Can you please ask daddy to get me some water..."

"Daddys not here." My face dropped at this." He went out with uncle Jordan and Uncle Juan."

Of course he did, you thought.

The boys were visiting because pre season was around the corner, they hadn't see Gary we moved down to Oregon which was just a few months ago.

Now they were taking the opportunity to spend time with Gary.

"Don't worry mama.I'll get you water!" She smiles and goes to get a glass of water then comes back and gives it to me.

She then hops in bed next me and laid her head on my shoulder as I played with her messy hair.

"When am I gonna get my hair done?" She peers up at me with those adorable brown eyes of hers. Looking so much like her daddy.

"I dunno. You gotta wait for grandma, or aunty y/s/n." I told her and she pouted.

"But aunty y/s/n/ is always busy with that so called boyfriend of hers!"

I had to cover my mouth to prevent my laughter from coming out.  My sister was always busy doing absolutely nothing. With that trash man of hers.

Been together for 5 years and his ass ain't wanna put a ring on it. My family ain't like him but we just tolerate him.

"I know sweetheart it's alright."

Amina continued talking to me about her day until the sound of keys jingling made Amina bolt up from the bed.

She dashed out the door going to Gary I assume I sigh resuming back to my tv show BmF.

"Daddy!" I heard her yell I could hear Gary's voice along with two other deep voices.

Soon heavy feet steps were heading towards the door, Jordan was the first to poke his head in and once we made eye contact he gasped.

"Big sis!!!" Jordan rejoiced, he wasted no time doing a little jog came over to the right side of the bed and pulled me into a embrace.

"Jordan!" I say back in the same tone as him making Juan and Gary laugh.

"Oh my gosh. You still look good for some that just gave birth." He noted, making me flash him a grin.

"I try. Hey do you mind helping me?" He immediately nods, grabbing onto both of my hands and launches me up.

"So what have y'all been coping?" Juan asked as he held onto Amina.

"Alright for the most part. This little guy has been a angel hasn't given us any hassle." I gestured my head over to Elijah who was sleeping.

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