Game day || Giannis Antetokounmpo

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"God damn Aaliyah your man can dunk for   
days." My younger brother Jeremiah watched in awe as Giannis dunked on a bulls player.

He would never admit but he always fan boyed over Giannis,and the fact that he was his brother in law he still had trouble sometimes coming to terms with that.

"That's my Greek freak!" I smiled as I saw Giannis look up to the glass to see us.

My family had come down to Chicago with me to come and watch Giannis play. This was their first time and I could tell they were really impressed.

I held onto our 2 year old son who was very intrigued in his daddy's gaming style. I already knew he wanted to be just like Giannis cause little man was always copying him.

It was half time and I needed to grab something to eat the twins were craving something. Yep I'm pregnant with twins the gender of them is unknown but I'm so happy.

I've always wanted twins the gender never really mattered I just wanted twins.

"Uh where are you going." My mama asks as I place my two year old on her lap. She squints at me.

"I need to go take a leak, and grab something to eat I'm hungry." I explained to her trying to get up by myself.

"Jeremiah get your behind over here and help your sister." My grandma scolded she pinched his ear and he yelped rushing over to help me.

"Thanks lil bro." I pinched his cheek and he rolled his eyes. He loves me.

"Okay well you're not going alone somebody has to come with you!" Denise, my cousin insisted.

"Yeah your water could break." Jeremiah added and I sent him a look.

Now why was this boy thinking of all the wrong scenarios. I know I'm heavily pregnant and on the verge of giving birth but I'm fine.

"Y'all are so dragged I'll be fine! I'm a grown women I don't need anyone to be my chaperone nothing will happen." I assure them my family and my in laws grumble but agree.

I leave the area and go to the bathroom. I then go to the food court and wait in line.

Ooooh I'm craving glazed donuts and a pie.

"Hi can I please get 2 glazed donuts and a pie?"

"Yep that'll be 10.70"

I paid with my card and thanked the them before moving out of line.

I sat down on the bench eating my donut while watching something on instagram.

"Aayliah." A deep voice exclaimed. I looked up to see Trent Sanchez. A old high school friend of mine. Gosh he looked the same.

"Trent oh my god." I got up from my seat and pulled him into a hug laughing in disbelief.

I pulled back my hands cupped his cheeks." How have you been? It's been forever where have you been?"

"I'm great just been busy with life. But let's talk about you... you're glowing and pregnant." He trailed off gazing down at my huge bump. He gasped.

"Yeah with twins actually." I corrected him and he laughed bewildered running a hand through his hair.

"That's good, you still with the baby daddy?" He scratched the back of his neck.

I narrowed my eyes at him but answered." Giannis? Of course I am why wouldn't I be."

He shrugs." I dunno you just don't post about him that much."

"Just because I don't post about him doesn't mean we're not together." I crossed my arms now getting annoyed at him.

I was heavily pregnant so my mood swings were quite high. Small things can easily trigger me.

"Okay, I don't get why you're getting a attitude." He scoffed.

"Me—getting an attitude?! You're the one that's being all salty, fuck outta my face before I do something I don't wanna do." I warned him and shoulder bumped going inside the stadium.

The game had already resumed and I could see my family searching for me from the glass.

Unfortunately, my short legs weren't doing much help along with the fact that my feet are swollen. This kid keeps following me.

"You know we were meant to be together, if Giannis hadn't came in the picture those babies in your stomach would've been mine!" He  gestured to my belly and I swatted his hand away.

"I'm warning you Trent, back up before I swing at you. You're doing too much, I told you from the get go I only saw you as friend." I told him truthfully and he rolled his eyes.

He tried stepping closer and gripping me by my wrists, however I curled my right hand into a fist and BAM! 

My knuckles hit his nose and he let go of me groaning in agony, as he clutched his nose I went in for more and started fucking him up.

Of course, moments later I was pulled off by strong hands and the security guards were holding Trent back.

"Babe, relax what's wrong?" Giannis's thick Greek accent filled my ears and I calmed down in his grip.

Although I was still breathing heavily. My chest heaving up and down.

I broke down what happened to Giannis and let me just say he was fuming. He never really liked Trent, never voiced it either.

Just kept it in to himself there was so many times were he wanted to punch him and right now was one of them.

Before any could even process what was going on, Giannis stormed over to him and jabbed him square in the jaw.

The crowd gasped at this some even cheered and clapped at this.

"G!" I shouted frantically not expecting him to punch him.

"I just had to be sure." Was all he said he shrugged watching as Trent groaned on the floor in pain.

He came over to me and wrapped his over my shoulder and began leading me away.

"Cmon let's go home sweetheart."

As you know the game continued and the bucks had beat the Blazers by 20 points. Giannis was ejected but he didn't give a damn.

He was just glad that I was okay.

"Thank you by the way." I say to him as I iced his hand wrapping it up. He sat on the sink peering down at everything I did to his hand.

It wasn't fractured or anything. Just bruised he'll be out for a week or 2.

"For what?"

He got up from the sink and began brushing his teeth as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Doing what you did, I already gave him a knuckle sandwich. You didn't have to step in but you did. So thank you." I leaned up and pecked his cheek.

He grinned laughing.

"Don't sweat it babe. I always got your back."

I love me some Giannis he's such a sweetheart

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