The one part 3 || Jaren Jackson jr

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The one part 3 || Jaren Jackson
Excuse any errors

The sun began to rise along with the sound of children giggling had woken up a confused Agnes.

Groggily; she gently picked out all her eye crust and was met with the sight of her two babies sitting on the edge of the bed grinning from ear to  ear.

"What are y'all doing at home on a school day." Agnes rises up checking her phone to see that it was 10:30 am.

"Mama it's Saturday." Ace revealed with a hint of confusion, and surprise that his mother was unaware of where she was and what time it was.

Miles had came in with their cat Ursula but put her down eventually.

"Kids can you guys pop out for a second I wanna talk to mama." He ruffled Aces his head before guiding the two out of the room and shutting the door.

Once they were gone his natural face expression stayed they same, as he eyed her like one of his opponents.

Trying to see if she would crack, yet she paid him no kind of attention as she got up adjusting her wifebeater   that had revealed one of her tittes.

As she got up  from the bed, going into the bathroom and began showering then doing her skin care/ hygiene.

Finally when she was done, she had changed into a blue Harvard hoodie with black biker shorts.

"So do you wanna tell me why you came home at 3 am." His tone was cold and stern, and Agnes had to scrunch her face up.

Because she didn't know who the hell he was talking too...

"Because I did Eric. You're not my daddy at least I came home that's all that matters." She smacked her lips not liking he weird he was being.

Eric would sometimes get in this mood where he's just so possessive, and toxic that it makes him so unbearable half of time.

When he gets like this, Agnes would usually hang up on him. Since  he was on the road and he couldn't do much.

But now that he is here in the flesh. it's way more different.

"I don't give a damn Agnes! You should be at home with your family. Not  out partying like a damn hoe you got responsibilities!" He shouted in her face, veins all out causing her to step back a little.

Agnes slightly felt a lump appear in her throat. Not  at the fact because he was yelling at her but, because he was breaking the number one rule.

Never yell when the kids are  around

They could probably hear all the commotion and it was truely irking her soul. Knowing  that they could hear this aggressive side of their father.

"I'm sorry Eric. It won't happen again. Now calm down." She told him softly while grabbing his hands. Knowing that it calmed him down when she did this.

And Eric began breathing in and out while his eyes remained closed. He brought her into a hug so far that her head sunk into his chest.

"I'm sorry Agnes you know how I get. You  just stay  doing things  to get me mad mama."

She just played  along. Knowing  damn well he was the delusional and manipulative one.

And that she's only doing this to make him contented.

"Shhh it's fine baby."

Slowly, he leaned down so that his mouth was close to her ear. So  that she could hear him.

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