Girlfriend|| Jordan Poole

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This imagine was inspired since JP wanted  to be a little hoe in Europe.

Imma treat him like one. 🙄


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"Come take a photo of me!" You shouted excitedly and run over to the famous landmark.

Ralen, your boyfriend shook his head but regardless he walks over to you and took multiple pictures of you.

Your Instagram was finna be flooded with posts since you guys were in Greece, and you hadn't stopped taking pictures since you got here.

You couldn't help it the atmosphere was too stupendous to not. It was way diverse  from a San Fran. A good diverse.

"Damn, these niggas on Instagram are properly tired of your ass. Stop taking pictures girl." Jordan out of nowhere added his two cents your grinned faltered and Ralen snorted.

"You're so annoying, why did you even come this was meant to be a couples trip only you know that?" You clarified to piss him off and he  just shook his head.

Jordan had recently broken up with his girlfriend who you had set him up with. They were going good and  dated for a good 2 years.

But he broke it off as soon as he made it into the playoffs. Which was reasonable, since he wanted to be locked in and win a ring. He couldn't afford to have any distractions.

So they came to a mutual agreement to break it off. No bad blood was left.

But she moved on and ever since he's been a grumpy mood since they won.

"Fück you." He said rolling his eyes knocking your glasses off your head.

"Fuck you too." You grumbled back and went to push him since he knocked your sunglasses off but Ralen held you back.

"Alright now, I don't need my girlfriend getting charged with assault in a foreign country. So both of you guys split up, Jordan go on the other side, y/n stay next to me." Ralen directed.

Jordan let out a huff and listened walking on the other side of Ralen. He began talking to Jsqaured ( I find it funny how JP is literally friends with someone named Jordan 💀don't mind me) and even had the audacity to wink at you.

"I don't get how you're friends with him. He's so damn irritating." You grumbled and Ralen just laughed.

"I ask myself the same thing every day. But he's a real one I guess he's a rare gem to find these days." Ralen explains.

"Rare gem my ass." You mumbled and your eyes darted to him to see he was laughing and-once you made eye contact he flipped you off making you scoff.

We all lined up at restaurant and Jordan had brought a date. Jsqaured already brought Gina. 

And allegedly Jordans date was personally flew out which you did admit was surprising.

Since JP, didn't seem like the type to fly out a girl unless he was ready to settle down.... 😭

That physically made you laugh at the thought of Jordan cuffing someone down because that man was so obsessed with his cats.

"How did you guys meet?" Ashley, Jordan's date had asked she seemed nice and seemed to be really interested in Jordan.

"We all went to high school together and I was friends with that werido next to you." Everyone laughed at your comment but Jordan just mouthed"it's on sight" next time he sees you.

"Keep running you're mouth Y/n. Keep running it."

"But as I was saying, Jordan and I were friends and one day, he introduced us to each other and Ralen had a crush on me. But was too scared to ask me out  so I asked him out." You finished and the girls awed.

"You were a pussy like that Ralen?" Jsqaured chocked on his drink as Jordan did one of his faces.

"Noo shawty is intimidating as hell with that bitch resting face. Ain't no way I was risking it." He shook his head making everyone but Jordan laugh.

You noticed that ever since the topic of you and Ralen came up he become hella salty and his face hardened.

He was just staring at you refusing to acknowledge Ashley's presence.

It was quite uncomfortable because you felt like you couldn't eat in piece. Without feeling a pair of hooded dark eyes on you.

"Jordan can I talk to you?" You finally snapped and he just hummed.

"Mmm I don't know I have date and I can't just leave her alone." He lied crossing his arms. A stupid smirk on his face.

This boy was playing with fire.

"Stop tripping and get up Jordan Anthony Poole." You seethed his government and his eyes widened before he stood up and you dragged him away outside by his bicep.

Once you two left the group you wasted no time getting on his case.

"What's with attitude?" You interrogate him and he shrugs putting his hands in his pockets.

"Ion know what you're talking about." He pursed his lips acting innocent.

You reached forward pinched him making him jolt up and look at you with a hurt expression.


"Shut up. Wanna try again?" You stare him down and he sighs removing the spot where you pinched.

"Gosh you're so blind Y/n. I'm in love with you have been since we met. Ralen knew but his cheating ass only got with you because he knew I liked you." Jordan rubbed the back of his neck.

You gaped at him with your mouth wide open. You couldn't believe Jordan, his big headed self was in love with you.

"Why didn't you tell me the truth?" You say your eyes softened so did your tone.

"Because you wouldn't believe me. Look how I in love y'all are. You'd think I'm being a jealous friend." He sighed defeated.

"Jordan I'm flattered, but I'm still dating Ralen." His eyes twitched at how you continually kept bringing up Ralen.

"You know the whole time he's been checking out Ashley. I've seen his eyes wondering I don't know how you couldn't tell." He revealed so casually and your heart shattered.


You glanced behind Jordan to see that indeed Ralen was all up on Ashley who was not even fighting it.

Jordan stepped closer to you and grabbed your hand placing on his chest.

"You feel that? That's how crazy you make me feel. Your presence is everything to me Y/n." He whispers and your felt your hear flutter at this.

"What about Ralen?"

"Fuck that nigga. You're my girl now."

Your felt a blush creep upon your cheeks and Jordan chuckles and just hugs you swaying you.

His facial hair  tickles your neck and he places kisses upon your neck making you become putty in his grip.

This man was already getting you weak in the knees.

"So you ready to be mine officially."



😫 this was was cute or whatever.

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