With you part 2|| Klay Thompson

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One month later
Third persons point of view
Excuse any errors.

"Oh my goodness lemme see the ring." Vanessa's  cousin Gianna gushed,  and she grabbed her  hand examining the rock on her  finger.

Vanessa was currently at her cousin's house, in Florida, Majority of her  intermediate family lives in the bay side, so she was blessed that all her close  cousins lived all in Florida.

"I know it's staggering, but this thing is heavy." She  complained also staring it down. While her  other cousin came too, to checkout the ring.

Mina, one of her  cousins in particular was rolling her eyes in the corner. She kept reapplying her lip gloss like a mad woman.

Every second she kept smacking her lips or sighing loudly, which was aggravating the fuck outta Vanessa.

Because what was her issue?

"What's wrong with you." Vanessa scoffed at her not liking the way she was acting.

She just hummed." There's nothing wrong with me."

"Judging by that stank ass attitude you walked in with today. I'm guessing there is." Vanessa  addressed, going to walk forward and Harlem, her cousin  grabbed her bicep.

"Don't even think about it." He warned her, not wanting to break up any fights today.

It was meant to be a joyous day but  Mina was doing the most. If she's not happy then why attend simple as that.

"Man get off of me. I ain't gonna do shit, she's all talk anyways." Yanking his irony grip, off she  tried walking off but he stopped her.

"I mean it Nessa. I promised Klay I wouldn't let you do some dumb shit today." Harlem clarified, and she just hummed.

"Right, just keep your hood rat cousin away from me and we should be good." Vanessa seethed storming off inside the kitchen.

She needed a breather. It's only been like what 2 hours and already her family was stressing her out.

Coming back to Florida was always an issue for her because, she was always welcomed with negative energy.

If it wasn't for Klay pushing her to go back and inform her family on the news, she wouldn't return back to Florida.

Because negativity was the only thing that came from it.

"Aren't you meant to be out there? I mean you are the star of the show." A deep husky and low voice stated, making Vanessa suck her teeth.

"I know, but can't a girl get a breather? These women are driving me mad." Turning around with a wine glass  in her grip.

The glass almost slipped from her grip, once she was met with a toned broad chest. 


Her throat began to clog and her eyes became wide.

"Aaron... what are you doing here matter of fact you shouldn't even be here." She hissed grabbing his polo shirt, dragging him further into the kitchen.

And he gladly followed gazing down at her with a bemused expression. Aaron was Vanessa's ex.

He was brown skin and stood 6'1, with wide shoulders and a nose piercing to match his hazel eyes.

The two were a match made in heaven or that's what everyone else thought. This was until Aaron got drunk one night, one thing lead to another and he laid his hands on her.

Now instantly, Vanessa wasn't strong enough back then so she stayed quiet and took it. But then when the pattern kept repeating.

She was fed up and pulled a knife on him. Then when she had a mental breakdown at work, she finally confessed and Aaron was charged and sentenced to 5 years.

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