The one part 2 || Jaren Jackson jr

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The one  part 2 || Jaren Jackson Jr

Excuse any errors

As soon Agnes entered the club she was met with booming music and the sound of loud chatter. She walked past many people drinking, kissing, practically dry humping each other.

She shook her head in disgust at how people were able to display public affection like that. Like would you act like that with your s/o in front of your folks?

Where's the self respect?

"Agnes!!" Tiffany's  loud voice bellows throughout the club. Agnes looks up to see her bestie in the private section waving at her enthusiastically.

Agnes thanks the security guard West. She enters the vip section and was instantly pounced on by her friends.

"Girl you're glowing I can definitely see Eric is taking care of you!" Tiffany  smiled looking her friend up and down glad she was getting treated the way she deserved.

"He is. But he ain't been acting right lately." Agne mumbled thinking Tiffany didn't hear her. She thanked the bartender sipping her vodka.

"What you mean?"

"Eric has been hanging out with  Olivia again."

That's all Agnes had to say before Tiffany was losing her mind. She spat her drink out.

"What the fuck?!"

"That's what I'm saying like how can my pussy be that bad that he goes and gets from his "childhood best friend"

"Trust me girl it ain't you." Ayesha assured angry she placed a warm hand on Agnes's shoulder.

"Then what is it? Because I'm just gave birth to our daughter less than 2 years and he's still avoiding me like I'm so plague." Agnes ranted, feeling her self getting emotional.

She began fanning the corner of her eyes, while Tiffany came closer and wrapped arm around her shoulder.

"Hey hey, it's okay girl. You don't gotta worry about him, what you need to do is drop his ass alright then after that imma kill him." Tiffany said her eye twitching which made Agnes giggle.

Because she knew her friend was bat shit crazy and would go to war and back for her. So she really appreciated her.

"Yeah I hear you twin."

As Agnes sulked over her trash husband, Tiffany could feel a pair of eyes pinning them down so she glanced up to see a tall fine dark skin man sitting at the bar.

Next to him with was another dark skin accept he had colourful unique dreads, with some chains that were brighter than the moon.

The first dark skin was staring down Agnes as if he wanted to come talk to but he was too shy.

Tiffs just smirked and continued comforting her friend.

She'll tell her later.


It had been a couple hours. Tiffany had convinced Agnes to let loose after all she wasn't endangering anybody if she had some fun.

Let's just Agnes gotta a little wild.

"Yes that throw shit back!" Tiffany cheered as Agnes twerked on her front. Ayesha slapped Agnes's ass as she recorded with her other hand.

Enjoying every bit of it of course this has attracted a crowd and many were drooling.

Tenisha, and Kendra cheered on the two. Sure she was a mother but she did have some club activity in her. Agnes use to be a party animal.

So this whole club and atmosphere was not new to her at all.

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