Recovery || Jayson Tatum

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Recovery Jayson Tatum
In which Jayson loses a game and is quite harsh on himself so the reader finds out the reason behind why he is acting the way he is.

The buzzer had rung just as Luka caught the ball and swished it into the net. Ending the game the Mavericks fans were all jovial.

Screaming and hugging each other meanwhile the Celtics fans were shattered at the close loss.


Yeah they won by three points. Unfortunately Jayson was out, he was substituted due to him complaining of back soreness.

And Layla was not finna allow him to play through that pain. She took that shít seriously.

"I think you should give him some time."Brandy  gently placed a hand on Laylas shoulder, to prevent her from going to Jayson.

She knew how her son was after a loss he would be extremely nonchalantly and cold.

The only thing he would want to do is head home and spend time alone.

"Alright." Layla nods her head and decides to beat around the bush to waste time to avoid her grouchy boyfriend.

The ride was absolutely dead silent. Jayson didn't say a word,  but kept gripping the steering wheel.

Not even Nelly  could cheer him up as he came on the radio.

That's how you knew it was serious.

Even though he was filled with vex, he was still a gentleman and opened the door for Layla and Deuce.

Then proceeded to storm off with Deuce in his arms going inside his house.

Layla sighed closing the front door and made her way into the kitchen. She still had a little bit of cleaning up to do, from last night.

The boys had came over and played 2K or all them games they play on the ps4.

So she did that which took her about 20 minutes then she folded some laundry, and prepared Deuce's clothing as he was going to Toriahs parents for the week.

"Lay lay." She hummed hinting for Deuce to continue talking.

"Why is daddy mad?"

"He just hasn't been feeling the greatest. No I'm not sure why but imma find out okay little one." Deuce nods with a small smile.

That boy really loved his dad he could tell when he was at his worst and best and right now he was just having one of those moments.

A knock was heard on the door and Deuce quickly ran over, opening it to reveal Toriah who was already waiting for a hug.


"Baby boy!" She yelled out in the same tone engulfing him in a bear like. The two hadn't seen each other in a minute as Deuce had finished school.

They were on Easter break and as soon at it approached Deuce wasted no time travelling with Jayson when he could.

"Oh hey mamacita." Toriah joked pulling me into a hug.


"What's up with you seem drained." She noted taking sight of how my eyes had sucked in like a zombie.

"That's because I am. Your baby daddy is why."

Toriah raised a eyebrow." What he do?"

"He just keeps creating these walls, and these walls are so tall and strong that I can't see past them and break through it." I explained and she hums." Like how am I supposed to help if he won't let me."

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