No love Klay Thompson

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No love Klay Thompson

You had just gotten your nails done at the shop. You were hyped as you and Klay had just recently gotten engaged.

He popped the big question while at family reunion barbecue. It was sweet and you indeed did tear up because well it was so unexpected.

Y'all have been together for 5 years, and in those 5 years you had never met someone that brought so much joy and happiness to your life.

Before you met him you lived a normal average life. Worked from 9-5. Slept and repeat.

But when your sister got married to a teammate of his that's how your relationship formed.

Your heart belonged to him and only him. You couldn't wait until you guys starting popping out babies.

"Klay? I'm home." You called out to the mansion. No response. Weird you thought you shut door.

The house was dark all the blinds were shut and I mean you were out the whole day so it wasn't completely strange.

Where could he be?

His car was out front so he couldn't have possibly gone anywhere. Unless he went on run but seriously at this time of the night.

Shaking off the thought that he could be having a affair, you went to the fridge and got out a fruit platter and began eating it.

You went upstairs and heard some strange noises. It sounded like moaning and grunting.

You felt all the colour drain from your face. There was no way. Maybe he was pleasuring himself?

So many thoughts unanswered ringed through your head so you opened the door.

You saw the unthinkable.

A random woman who appeared to be mixed maybe with Cuba and black was laying on top of him. Riding him, her hands were placed on his chest his hands glued to her waist.

He bit his lip in pleasure but his body stiffened once he caught a sight of you standing in the doorway.

Your divine hazel eyes were filled with tears threatening to pour. Your fists were clenched tightly you shook with fury.

Klay paused for a second his mouth agape. He knew he fucked up.


"No." You shook your head aggressively." You motherfucker. You're lying piece of shit!"

You ignored his calls of stress and ran out of the room trying to make your way to your car.

There was no why you were going to face him.

Klay threw the woman off of him who sent him a shocked look and scoffed.

Moments later you heard heavy footsteps trailing behind you.

It was Klay you turned around to see he was wearing nothing other than your white bedroom sheet tightly around his waist.

"Baby I swear it's not what it looks like-" He tried telling you and rolled your eyes at the pathetic line.


Klay held his face in agony as the stinging sensation lingered on his right cheek.

"Oh yeah, then please enlighten me Klay then what did it look? Because to me it looked like you were letting some bitch ride you." You rebutted tone almost like venom.

"I'm sorry y/n. This shit was never meant to happen I swear on my NBA career and you know how much I love ball."

He tried reaching out to you but you shoved his hand off. You stepped back and when all of a sudden the woman came from upstairs.

Now that you've gotten a more clearly glimpse of who she was you recognised her. It was Tamika.

She was old college mate of Klay you always knew her thirsty ass had a thing for him.

No matter the amount of times Klay denied, you could tell when a girl liked a boy, but Klay seemed to be oblivious to her feelings and everything going around him.

You thought that after all these years you got rid of her leaving her ass in California but nope she followed you guys to San Fransisco.

She was visiting to for a week apparently her brother was playing which was true since he was versing Klay in the upcoming weeks.

But you knew that something inevitable was bound to happen. This visit was meant for nothing but drama.

"You fucking HOE What is it that you want from me?You came to ruin my engagement? Well congratulations you did. was it worth it?!" You stepped closer to her and she was smirking.

"Hell yeah I've heard all the hype and lemme just say your nigga is packing." She gloated rubbing it in your face.

Rage consumed your inside and you went crazy. You flung your hand towards her face and slapped the living day lights outta her.

She stumbled back falling down the stairs. She cupped her check in agony. You took your ponytail off her ready to beat her ass.

But Klay rushed over and restrained you back. You fought in his grip screaming but he ignored your pleas off him to let you go.

"Tamika leave if you know what's good for you." Klay hissed and Tamika wasted no time packing her things and mumbled "crazy puta" under her breath.

Once she was gone. You broke down and shoved Klay backwards. He went back into the wall not because you were strong but when you're filled with so much anger.

You can overpower him any day.

"Don't fucking touch me. I want you out now Klay!" You shouted tears streaming down your face. You pointed at the door.

"No I'm not leaving.." he says firmly.

"Nigga are you deaf? I told you to leave NOW!"

You were never a angry person but this brought out the worst of you.

You picked up a vase and threw it at him. He ducked down and it missed him by just a inch. He stared at you shock by your stunt.

That vase could've hit him. Just like that his whole basketball career would've been over if it hit him fully.

Klay knew that in your state it was best to oblige. So he listened and went back upstairs and put on some clothes and pack.

He looked over at you with one last stare. You were sitting down on the couch hands covering your face as you cried.

"Why god,  what did I do to deserve this?" You whispered faintly to yourself sniffling.

He gulped at him being the reason why you were a upset mess.

He shut the door and made his way in his car.

Great. Where was he meant to go at this time of night.


Thoughts? 👀I know this was a lot yall lots of different emotions going on here.

See you guys in part 2!

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See you guys in part 2!

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