Secret santa|| Ja Morant x Jordan Poole part 2

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Secret Santa|| Ja Morant x Jordan Poole

Secret Santa|| Ja Morant x Jordan Poole

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"Ja and Jordan." The two loose slips of paper read. My mouth went to speak but nothing came out as if I was a mime.

Hazel and Jay tilted their heads at me not getting why I was mute all of a sudden.

"Well.... Who did you get?!" Hazel said urgently, and sighed once she saw that she wasn't gonna get a answer from me.

She snatched the loose stripes of papers from me,  and read it then squeal jumping up and down.

"Oh my gosh you got him!" She yelled bringing me into a hug.

Now I would've been alright if it was just Jordan. Because he's the one that I actually have the feelings for.

But Ja. Cmon this has messy written all over it and I don't do messy. Never have.

With the way things are looking he's going to fall for me in even more.

"Now I can't do this. Here Jay take Ja's." I try to hand the slip back to her but she steps back.

"Uh uh. Girl it's been done I'm not buying a gift for two people. I already have someone. Jaren to be exact."

I groaned rubbing my temples frustrated by how this was looking.

"Why not just do both." Hazel asks like it's the easiest thing alive.

"Because that means that I would be leading him on. And that's the last thing I want to do." I explain and they both send me sympathetic looks.

By me getting Ja a gift he's most definitely gonna gain more feelings. These two are the complete opposite.

Jordan was more on the more pretty boy side and loved animals and was a cute dork. So he was a extroverted-introverted

Ja on the other hand, was more out there and acted way too hood. When he is not, but deep down he was a great  guy.

"I'm not even sure what the hell I'm meant to get them." I rolled my eyes.

However I had sort of a idea of what Ja would want. Because I'm mainly around him as I work for the grizzlies.

Jordan now I gotta ask Ralen   or something.

"That's why you're meant to spend time with them find out their interests and get it." Jay and Hazel nudged me knowingly.

"Yeah alright!" I shouted pushing them both away and they laugh.

Lord help me.

Later on that night

A song by Kizz Daniel( a Afro beat artist if you don't know who he is you're missing out) played in my kitchen through Alexa.

I whined my hips side to side feeling the beat to the song. When suddenly two strong hands grabbed my waist.

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