Draft part 2 || Amen Thompson

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Third person's point of view - Excuse any errors

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Third person's point of view
- Excuse any errors

November 2023

A few months had now passed since Amen was drafted to the Houston rockets. And Ausar was drafted to the pistons. Both of the boys packed up and moved to their cities.

The boys still kept in contact with each other every day. However with the season still going, they couldn't afford to be side tracked.

Amen however was taking all this stuff too seriously. To the point where he was neglecting to spend time  with Ally, who was now 5 months pregnant.

Her bump was much bigger and it was getting harder for to get even get up the stairs, without getting breathless.

Or the fact that she was constantly getting Braxton hicks contractions, and the stretch marks on her belly were making her ten times more insecure than she already was.

Either way she was going through a lot. She needed her person by her side. Every-time she tried to talk to Amen he was constantly curving her.

Almost as if he was afraid to face her. Which lead to her breaking down in her car, in the parking lot of Walmart.

"So you're telling me Marcus dumped your ass and left you on the side of the road?" Ally was now laying on her left side, while chewing blackberries with some chocolate dip.

Her best friend was venting to her about her how man was doing her dirty, or has been Marcus was never a serious man.

And the sooner Mae gets it through her head, everyone including her will be happy.

"And did, but I promise he didn't mean it. He just gets angry you know." Mae tried justifying his actions, however the sound of the doorbell ringing caused Ally's head to snap up.

She was home alone, and Amen had went to the gym so she doubted it was him. No one knew where they lived accept  for their family.

And none of Ally's family were around Houston. Accept her one auntie.

"Listen, Mae imma call you back alright."

Hoisting herself up from the couch, Ally waddled her way to the door muttering to herself. Oh how she hoped it wasn't them jehvoah witness people.

"Oh hey– Ausar?!" She squeaked throwing herself on him. Once she caught a sight of the 6'6 brown skin,  that looked so much like her man Amen." What are you doing here?"

"I had to come visit my twin, haven't seen your crib in a bit so I figured I'd stop by." He answered with a grin, slowly pulling himself away from Ally.

"Oh that's so sweet, well I'm glad you're here. Don't mind the mess, Amen's at the gym." Ally informed him, while stepping aside to let him in.

He had his suitcase with him, which meant that he was staying which made Ally beyond thrilled. This meant she wasn't going to be lonely,during the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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