Need you || Jalen Green 🫧

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Summary: In which the reader recently lost a relative and Jalen is in her town and he stops by hoping to reconcile their relationship.

Summary: In which the reader recently lost a relative and Jalen is in her town and he stops by hoping to reconcile their relationship

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"Jalen don't tell me you're still watching her Instagram." Josh groaned reaching over to look at Jalen who covered his phone to his chest.

"I'm not." He lied through his teeth, frowning at how he noticed that you hadn't posted in approximately a month.

Nessa's aunty had passed away, her cause of death was due to liver cancer.Which was quite common in her family.

"Lie again. Why are you worrying about a girl that ain't worried about you. You left her remember."

His face twisted up making Shareef and Sharife laugh.

"You can't be talking when you out here messing with cougars. Always running your mouth." Jalen rolled his eyes and now it was Joshs turn to scowl.

"Man whatever."

"All I want to do is check up on her." Jalen huffed and his friends just stared at him in disbelief.

He was so sprung over Nessa as the two had split a year ago, and they never had any trace of contact ever since. Jalen left her because he claimed that he felt like she was suffocating him.

When in reality, she was ready to be in a relationship and he was not. So yeah the reason for the break up was beyond stupid.

And now he wants her back.

"That's not your job because you're not her man anymore." Shareef reminded.

Jalen." Come on reef, not you too."

"His got a point. Besides the last thing a girl wants while she's grieving is for her ex to come out of no where wanting to be her knight saviour." Sharife added making Jalen sulk in his seat.

That stereotype doesn't work all the time. Ask Sharife he has been there and done that.

"You guys wouldn't understand."

"Try us." They say simultaneously.

Jalen them began explaining why he felt like he had to be there.

"Nessa's aunt was half Filipino I met her at family function once and she's the one that introduced me to Nessa. So I'm also grieving and I feel like we can grieve together." Jalen weakily reasoned and the boys all snorted.

No they weren't laughing at the fact that Y/n's aunty was deceased. They were laughing because Jalen was desperate and it was amusing.

"You tripping nigga I gotta go." Josh stood up wiping his hands on his jeans.

Jalen raised a eyebrow." Where you going?"

"To visit a friend." Josh semi told the truth and Jalen squinted at him. He knew damn well he was lying because whenever Josh lied his eyes always widened.

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