Chapter 1 "The SMP"

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*First Person POV*
It had been a long day and I was happy to finally get some rest. Trying to become a streamer was a tad stressful. I took off my shoes and flopped onto the bed.

I grabbed my phone and put it on my pillow before falling asleep. I woke up and felt like if I was on the floor with the sun on my face. I groan and turn onto my stomach. Wait, grass? I felt grass on my face??

I jump up out of instinct and look around me only to be blinded by the sun for a bit. I groan once again and let my eyes ajust to the light. Everything was odd. I in Minecraft? I look around and see a pond near me and head towards it. I lean over and see my reflection, it looks like my mc character but in human form.

I start to look around more and aproach a tree, I hit it, it seems to not hurt so I collect some more pieces of wood before exploring more.

*Y/n's POV*
"Where am I? Is anyone else here with me?" I think to myself.
"Wait...this place...looks familiar somehow. But from where? It's from somewhere I've seen in Minecraft for sure but what?"

I continue to walk and observe my surroundings still wondering where I recognize this from. A few minutes later I see some builds in the distance and start to run towards it starting to recognize them more.

I stop a few dozen blocks away from the builds over the horizon.
" can't be..."

*??? POV*
"Where am I? Why does this look like Minecraft so much? Could I be in Minecraft?"
"No, its not possible, right? I have to get back to the real world...I need to get back to my friends and chat. But how?"

"This place is so familiar though...maybe I can find someone else here with me. Let me just get some wood first."

(A few minutes later)
"Ok I got the wood, time to explore. "Hmm? Whats that build in the distance?" They start to run towards it as fast as they can.
"Almost there"
" way!"

*Y/n's POV*
"This..can't be possible! Im in the dream SMP?!? I MUST be dreaming! Right?? Wait..who is that in the distance? Its something green...maybe a creeper? No wait, it has a nametag so it must be someone else!"

"I have to see who it is" I walk towards the mysterious person and speed up a bit until I'm at full sprint.
"Who might this be?"
I think to myself.

*??? POV*
"Im in my own SMP! How??
What is that thing over there? It's a bit purple and now its running towards me..could it be another player? Hopefully so."

*Y/n's POV*
"I'm closer to it, what could it be? No, WHO could it be? It's someone, not something for sure." I think to myself.

"I'm closer now, but still can't tell who it i-" I stop dead in my tracks.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now