Chapter 3 "Ranboo"

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*Y/n's POV*
"Noice we are finally at the community house. That took ages lol." I said to Dream a bit exahusted.
"Well I think you ran out of sprint is why you're so tired." Dream replied.

"Ah shit I forgot about that" I said before my stomach made a rumbling noise that we both could hear.
"There should be bread in the community house so lets check ok?" Dream said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to a double chest.

"Ah what luck there are 5 stacks of bread." Dream said as he handed me a stack.
"Thanks Dream." I said while taking a bite of the bread.
"Your welcome Y/n".

I continued to munch on the bread while Dream ate only one piece. I decided to say something inbetween bites, "so Dream, who else do you think we might find? I mean, there are a lot of members in total."

"I don't know but hopefully we can survive and find everyone, even if its the whole dream SMP crew." He responded sounding serious as ever.

"Well I won't stop until we find them all Dream, they are your friends after all." I said smiling as I took another bite of bread before putting my mask back on.

"Thanks Y/n its nice to know that you will help me out."
"No problem." I responded. Suddenly someone burst in and the door almost came off its hinges.

"George?" Dream said standing up. "Yeah it's me" George responded.
"My god George where were you?" Dream said as he hugged George and he hugged back.

"I was looking for you everywhere once I found out where we were Dream." George said with a smile.
"Well it's very good to have found you George. Oh and I found a new person here thats not from the dream SMP. Her name is Y/n." Dream said turning towards me and walking over.

"Hello" I said.
"Hi nice to meet you Y/n." George said smiling at me. George opened his mouth to say something but a loud scream interrupted him.
"AHHHH YOU BITCH I'M NOT A KID". "Ah so theres Tommy." Dream said.

"Wait, Tommy as in TommyInnit? THE TommyInnit?" I said exitedly.
"Yep that same one who just so happens to be screaming at someone this very moment." Dream replied with a small chuckle.

A few seconds later a tall figure stood in the doorway with Tommy behind them.
"Oh hi Dream" a familiar voice said. My vision cleared up and it was someone I didnt expect to ever get to meet.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now