Chapter 16 "The Preparation"

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"What the fuck is going on here?!?" I yelled at everyone.
"Well we thought they did something to you." Sam responded.

"What?!? I snuck out to get the rest of the dream SMP members! They would never do anything to me!!" I yelled as I stared at everyone who was part of it.

George ran over to Dream and hugged him. "Dream I thought you were a goner!" George said holding back tears.
"Did you plan to kill them?!?" I yelled at Sam.

"Well it was a vote to do it." Sam replied. I glared at everyone furiously. They had tried to hurt my friends and I was pissed.

"Whos idea was it?" I asked everyone. They all pointed to Wilbur.
" that again, and your head will be on my fucking front porch." I said while glaring at him.

"O-ok my bad." Wilbur replied. I took Ranboo's hand and my enderman friends hand. I took them to inside the mansion.

"You two need to stay here and be safe while I fight the dragon with the others." I told them.
"But Y/n, you might get hurt!" Ranboo said.

"Don't worry about me Boo." I replied.
"No. Im going with you." Ranboo said. I knew I wasn't going to be able to change his mind.

I sighed and agreed. We all gathered our stuff and headed over to the End Portal. On the way there, Dream decided to have a quick chat with me.

"Y/n, how far out did you go?" He asked me.
"I went all across everywhere. Turns out that the big tree was where they all were. I had looked everywhere else." I replied.

"Wait you mean you searched across the whole map?" Dream asked suprised.
"Yes I did. And now we have to fight and kill the Ender Dragon 20 times to get out of here." I said.

"There is something about the End that I don't remember but that is important Y/n. I can't seem to remember but I feel like the dragon fight wont be easy at all." Dream said to me.

"Well we will just have to be prepared. Extra prepared." I responded. Dream nodded. Soon we got to the hole where we dug straight down.

I walked towards it. "What? Is no one going to jump down?" I asked everyone. No one responded. I jumped backwards and down the one block hole.

It scared the heck out of everyone except for me and Ranboo. I landed in the powdered snow without taking any fall damage. The others dropped down one by one.

I helped them out as they dropped down. We all got down after a few minutes. We setup all our stuff and set our spawn.

It wasn't going to matter but it helped to feel like we had a way to win. We made the Ender Eyes and placed them in the portal. It opened.

One by one, we went into the portal. Dream went first. I held Ranboo's hand, "Boo, lets do this." I said as we jumped into the portal.

We spawned in the End and saw Dream mining in a staircase up.

As we walked up the staircase, more people started to spawn in. We got to the surface and Ranboo had to look down to not make eye contact with the the endermen.

I was able to look at the endermen with ease. Dream and the others couldn't but I could. It was much easier to be able to look everywhere with ease.

We heard the Ender Dragon getting closer. Dream remembered the detail about the Ender Dragon. "Y/n run!" He yelled.

"What why?" I asked Dream. Before he could respond, the Ender Dragon ran into me and sent me flying up.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now