Chapter 37 "Food"

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I got the pasta ready and the meatballs were almost completly cooked. I had been cooking for 20 mins and didn't even realize it. It was enough for a bunch of us too, they do have to eat at sometime.

After 5 more minutes, I was done cooking. "Dream get over here and help me set up the table" I told him. He walked over and I handed him the supplies to do so. It was taking him ages to set up the table so I called George over to help too.

It took them only 5 minutes but it felt like 5 years. I teleported to Boo and scared them. He was just about to press the start stream button. "Boo, food is ready so lets go over." I told them. He nodded, took my hand and we teleported to the kitchen.

I saw Dream about to dig into the food and quickly slapped his hand away from the food. "Dream not yet don't be rude." I told him. He rolled his eyes and sat down infront of the plate of food.

I teleported to the hallway and decided to call everyone over by screaming. "EVERYONE GET TO THE KITCHEN TO EAT FOOD!" I yelled. Tommy burst out of his room.
"FOOD?!?" He yelled.
"Yes Tommy, now get the others." I said. He nodded and went to get everyone else.

I teleported back to the kitchen and waited. Everyone ran into the kitchen and was fighting Tommy over the food. "Ok ok, sit down everyone you will get food soon enough." I told them.

Some sighed or rolled their eyes and Wilbur tripped Tommy. "Wilbur, do that again and you wont get food." I said to him. He nodded and sat down. "Ok, if you're not sitting down, you wont get food." I added. Everyone else ran and pushed to sit down to get a plate.

Once everyone was seated, I started to hand out plates. I first handed one to Boo, then Tubbo, a small one for Micheal and so on. "Alright you may now all eat!" And as soon as I said that everyone dug into the food at breaking fast speed.

I handed some of them water so they wouldn't choke on it. It was good food but there was no need to eat it so quickly. Boo, on the other hand, was enjoying it a lot.

I walked over to next to them. "Do you like the food Boo?" I asked them.
"Mhm!" He replied before taking another bite. After about 30 mins of everyone eating and some having a second round or even a third round, everyone thanked me and left to their rooms except for Boo.

He walked up to me and thanked me. "Thanks princess, that was some very good food. I loved it." He said. Before I could respond, he took his mask off and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I turned red as heck.

I didn't expect it at all. "You're welcome Boo." I replied embarrassed as heck. He smiled and walked up the stairs, back to our room. He was adorable. "Chat would go crazy if they were to see all that." I thought to myself.

Imagine, chat finds out that Boo lives with me and then they find out that he gave me a kiss on the cheek. They would go bonkers. It would be all over the internet if they found out.

"Oooo~ someone is embarrassed" I heard someone say behind me. I turned my head towards him and saw Dream standing there holding George's hand. Dream was snickering a bit. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone.

I opened my gallery and went to camera. I enhanced it and showed Dream. His smirk melted off his face and even George looked a bit concerned. Me, on the other hand, I was internaly complementing myself for taking that picture.

It was from when I teleported into the kitchen and saw them. It was quite a thing to have seen. Now, he couldn't use anything he sees of me and Boo against me. This, was a win win scenario for me and Boo, not for Dream of course.

Dream sighed. "I guess you win this one Y/n." He said. I chuckled and teleported infront of him. I gave him a hug and teleported to Boo, who just so happened to be on my pc looking at everything I had on there about them.

I admit, it was a few things but why was he doing that? I heard a sudden dramatic gasp and got closer to them. It was the screenshots of his dms to Dream when he was talking about me for hours.

Of course he found them. How wouldn't he? I sighed and he heard me. He turned around, shocked that I was there for a little while. "So uh, how long have you been there princess?" He asked worriedly.

"I've been here since the dramatic gasp." I replied. He did a awkward chuckle, got up and went to his pc. I quickly got on my phone and texted something. Boo's pc got a notification.

He checked his gmail and saw that I had sent him a meme and a note attached to it, it read, "Boo just ask to borrow my pc. I don't mind even if you look in the folders as long as you ask."

He turned towards me and did a cute, apologetic face. He was too adorable for me to be mad at. I sighed, rolled my eyes and walked over to give them a hug. His tail was wagging a bit when I was hugging them.

I let go and held his hands. "Boo, I should really say this more often but, you are adorable." I told them. He turned a light pink.
"Th-Thanks princess." He replied.
Then, I had an idea.

"Boo, I challenge you to a manhunt!" I told them.
"You're on!" He replied with a big smile. We stole Sapnap's greenscreen and put it in between us to not see what the other is doing. We set it all up and we pressed the record button.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now