Chapter 13 "The Truth"

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I woke up to Ranboo's face really close to mine and his arms wrapped around me. It was a nice sight to wake up to until I heard some snickering.

I knew exactly who it was. Dream and the others. I pretended to still be asleep and moved closer to Ranboo. I gave them a slight kiss on the forehead which everyone couldn't see due to their perspective.

I then took out an enderpearl out of my inventory and threw it at Dream again. It landed on him and so did I. I was then on top of his back while he was lying on the ground.

We all started to chuckle a bit before I got off and helped him up. I grabbed his hand tightly and stared at him.

He started to get a bit scared. I did my evil smile so scare him even more. That's when he knew, he fucked up.

Before he could say anything I dragged him out the room causing him to end up on his back as I held both of his hands. I ran down the stairs causing his legs to hit the stairs many times on the way down.

I, of course, found it hilarious as did a few others. I dragged him to the middle of the living room and then simply let go of him. He hit his head when falling.

There was some muffled laughter coming from the group. He turned around and gave me a death stare. I wasn't too worried about it until he started to get up.

I bolted away from him and behind a person in the group. Dream ran up the stairs and got out his axe. The group seperated to let Dream through only to see Ranboo standing there, axe out, armor on and holding my hand to make sure I was ok.

Dream put his axe away. He knew that if he attacked me, Ranboo wouldn't hold back on him and could result in more than one death.

"Y/n? I have a small question if you don't mind" I heard a small quiet voice ask. It was Niki.
"Of course Niki, what is it?" I replied.

"What was in the book to have scared you so much yesterday?" She asked me. I went a bit pale. If I were to tell them, they would panic and maybe slip up when fighting the Ender Dragon.

But they have to know the truth. Right?. "Well I don't want everyone to overthink about it and slip up during the fight with the Ender Dragon." I responded.

I walked away from behind Ranboo over towards Niki. I handed her the book. "Read with caution." I told her.

She nodded in agreement. She walked to next to me so the others couldn't read the book too. She read it and realized what I meant and why I intended to not mention it.

She looked at me worried. "Is it already taking place?" She asked me. I slowly nodded in agreement. I put my hand on her shoulder.
"I'm not going to let it continue for much longer. We will get out of this place alive and well. I swear it." I said.

It seemed to calm her down a bit but she started to realize what the headaches were and why they had happened. She handed me my book back.

"Dream. Do your speedrunning thing and get us some blaze rods ok?" I said to Dream. He nodded. I handed him a Enchanted Golden Apple and some fire resistance potions.

"Be safe Dream." I told him.
"Don't worry Y/n. I will." He responded before leaving to go to the Nether. "Niki, Fundy, Wilbur. Get wool for beds. We need to have atleast 10 beds." I told them.

They all nodded and left to go get the materials. "Tubbo, take Micheal and Philza to go get some wood. We need a stack of wood and a inventory full of sticks." I said.

They nodded and went to get materials to collect wood. "Techno, George we need to get arrows and spectral arrows. Get them please." I told them.

"And where are the emeralds?" Techno asked me. "Well that's why you wait Techno. Sapnap, Sam, Karl. We need to get emeralds. Get them no matter what it takes and soon.

Until then Techno, get villagers to trade with." I responded. Techno nodded and walked out the door with George. Sapnap took some wood from a nearby double chest and went out to get emeralds.

"Jack, Antfrost, Bad. We need some string for bows and a ton of food. Can you get it?" I asked them. "Of course you muffinhead! That's easy!" Bad responded.

I nodded and they set out to get the Food. "Tommy, Skeppy, Callahan, we need potions to survive this. If you need more materials, send Punz and Eret to get them. We need many potions." I said to Tommy and the others.

"Alright boss!" Tommy replied. We chuckled a bit and Tommy went to the potion room with the rest of his group.

"Ponk, Purpled, Connor, we need buckets for mlg water bucketing. Get iron however you find most efficiently." I said to his group.
"Got it Y/n! We will bring back enough buckets for all!" Purpled responded as he dragged his team outside.

"Jschlatt, Puffy, Foolish, we are going to need blocks to tower up to the pillars." I said to Jschlatt. "Yes Y/n. I will get them." He responded.

Jschlatt and his group headed out the door to get the materials. "Slimecicle, BoomerNA, Hannah, we have to beat the Ender Dragon 20 times.

Get glass, ghast tears and obidian for some end cristals. Team up with Dream in the nether to get the ghast tears." I told them.

I handed them each a Enchanted Golden Apple and some fire res potions. "Only use the apples if needed. Be very careful." I said to them. They seemed nervous but agreed.

They got their gear and headed out to get the materials needed. I got tired at the realization at what we needed to do and get.

Ranboo put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. "Don't worry Y/n, I will help you and protect you with my life!" He said confidently.

I chuckled a bit. "Thanks Boo. I will also protect you with my life." I responded. He had a big smile after hearing that. I was glad he was so happy. Even during these trying times, he managed to be happy.

"Adorable." I said while looking at him. He blushed a bit. He looked away but hugged me using his tail. I decided this was the perfect opportunity to pet it.

I watched it's movements and went in for the kill. It was very soft and delicate. It was as fluffy as a cloud. I continued to pet it, amazed at it's texture and color. Ranboo was so red and embarrassed.

All of a sudden, we all got the same headache from earlier. I immediately hugged Ranboo to comfort him. It hurt his head a lot.

I pat his head and continued to hug him until the headache went away. I could feel my face having changed under my mask. I knew what it was going to look like.

My enderman hand felt easier to move too. Ranboo's eyes were more colorfull and bright like his mc skin. His tail could move even faster and his face seemed to change a bit under his mask.

He took off the mask and he had sharp pointy teeth. "Y/n, will we turn into our mc skins and stay like this forever?" He asked me worriedly.
"Don't worry Boo. We will get out of here. And we wont be like our mc skins." I responded.

He calmed down a bit but not too much. He was still worried. "Boo, most of us have upsides and no downsides to our mc skins and characters. If anything, this is a huge upgrade for almost everyone." I said.

He calmed down even more. "You're right Y/n. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We should take it." He responded.
"There we go Boo! There is never any need to be sad. So let's go find an End Portal!" I said as I grabbed his hand and dragged them out the mansion.

"But where is one? We can't find it without Eyes of Ender." Ranboo said losing a bit of motivation.
"Boo, don't give up now. Got your Do Not Read book?" I asked them.

"Um yeah why?" He responded.
"Well you wrote down the coords for your lab, which happens to be an End Portal room." I said. His face lit up with joy as he placed an enderchest and got out his book.

He flipped through a few pages before stopping on one. "Here it is! I got it!" He said happily.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now