Chapter 40 "Manhunt v2"

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I got up and sat down in my chair about to get back to playing on the dream SMP when Dream suddenly bust into my room. "Y/n why didn't you tell me it was a manhunt?!?" He yelled. I stared at him.
"You didn't ask." I replied. He sighed.
"Well my stream is over so do you want to do a manhunt with me next?" He asked.

I looked at Boo then back at Dream. "Only if Boo is on my team." I replied.
"Then George will be on my side!" Dream said.
"Sure you two simps will get along perfectly." I said as he walked out the room to get everything ready.

I teleported to Sapnap's room to grab the greenscreen when he spotted me just out of the cameras view. He was live. "Y/n what are you doing with my greenscreen?" He asked me.

"Me and Boo are going to fight Dream and George in a manhunt so we need this to not cheat." I replied. He nodded and I took the greenscreen to my room. I teleported to Boo and saw them look a bit stressed.

"Boo whats wrong?" I asked them.
"I just don't know if we can win this manhunt." He replied.
"Boo, we can handle this. You go after George and I go after Dream. We can't and won't lose." I told them. He smiled a bit and we got ready to play mc.

I put the greenscreen inbetween us, sat down in my chair and we joined the manhunt vc Dream had set up. "Helooo" I said mimicking Techno.
"Is that Techno??" Dream asked confused.
"Nope it's just me. I can mimic people." I replied.

"That really did sound like Techno's voice." George said.
"Aww why thanks mate!" I replied mimicking Philza this time. Dream and George were very impressed.

"Can we do the manhunt now please?" Boo asked.
"Yep!" I replied as we all joined the world. We set up a few last things and pressed record. Me and Boo were in a rough circle around Dream and George.

Suddenly, Dream took off towards a desert. George chased after him and so did we. Boo boosted me a bit and I crit Dream a few times. We got into the desert and saw a ruined portal up ahead.

I hit Dream away from it and got most of the loot including some food. George was right behind Dream and I kept critting him. We ran and ran until I saw something in the corner of my eye.

A desert temple. Dream had seen it too and was heading towards it. I tried to hit him away but it just boost him a bit. He got to the top and jumped in. He mined the block and fell down.

I mined down with a pick I got from the ruined portal. I looted 2 chests and found 2 golden apples while he found diamonds. I also got 12 string, 6 rotten flesh and 4 bones. 

It might come in handy later. Dream and I fought for a bit before I towered up and ate a golden apple. I was about to hit him when he got back up but he ran for the entrance and made me miss.

He ran outside and Boo was hitting George. Boo handed me some sticks he accidentaly got when trying to hit George and we went after them after I gave them some rotten flesh.

We ran for what seemed like ages but there was no end of that desert in sight.

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