Chapter 10 "The EnderChest"

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We walked into the living room and saw Tommy yelling at Dream about hitting me with a netherite axe. Philza was holding Tommy back from killing Dream.

I ajusted my mask and gloves and walked towards them. Tommy saw me and stopped yelling. Dream turned and saw me.

He smiled a bit and waved. "It's good to see you got better Y/n! I'm sorry about hitting you..." he responded still sounding a bit sad.

I walked over to him and hugged him. He started to smile. His smile quickly melted into a frown. "O-ow.." he said backing up a bit.

He held his chest with a pained look on his face. "We are now even Dream." I said smiling. Blood started to drip from his chest and I put away my sword.

I handed him a golden apple for him to regen. He ate it as quickly as he could and healed. He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yea..we are even now!" He responded with a big smile. I smiled back. I walked over to Tommy and slapped him on the back.
"Thanks bout that Tommy." I said.

He nodded. Philza let him go since Tommy didn't want to hit Dream anymore. "So Y/n, whats with that enderman that keeps showing up and understanding you? It's kinda freaky." Dream asked me.

"Tbh, I don't know. But that enderman is very helpful. If it hadn't brought that fruit, I'd be a goner." I responded.
"How do you know about that? You had passed out!" Dream said.

"I woke up after Ranboo went to check on me. I just couldn't move or speak. I could hear the teleporting of the enderman and you runnin out the room too." I responded as I laughed a bit.

Ranboo started to turn red all of a sudden. I snapped my neck to where a gaze was coming from. It was Philza. He had said something to Ranboo to make him turn so red.

"Philza. What did you say?" I asked him as I smiled evily and tilted my head. He quickly was creeped out.
"I just asked him what you two did when he went over to check on you the second time mate." Philza responded.

I chuckled a bit and stopped smiling so evily. "Well, Boo here can change colors alot." I said while chuckling.
"Boo? Since when did you call me that?" Ranboo asked me.

"Since you were worried about me being hurt a few mins ago." I responded with a smile. His tail started to wag again. He quickly grabbed it and hid it under his coat.

"So Y/n, whats under that mask and gloves?" Dream asked me.
"Nothing to worry about Dream. It's just random stuff from my mc character." I responded.

"Then show us" Dream said.
"Hahaha funny joke Dream." I said as I turned around and headed outside.
"But it wasn't a joke Y/n! Come back!" Dream yelled as I went out the door.

I knew what I would look like without my mask and gloves but I didn't know if they were ready to see it. I walked to the back of the mansion, sat down and took off my gloves.

I hadn't ever taken them off since we spawned in. It was nice to feel the wind on my hands. I heard footsteps coming over and quickly put the gloves back on.

It was Ranboo. He sat down next to me and leaned on me. I leaned on him too. "Y/n?" He said.
"Yes Boo?" I answered.

"What's under your gloves?" He asked me.
"Well Boo, it's difficult to say exactly." I responded. He showed me his right hand. It looked like the hand of an enderman.

I took off my left glove to reveal that I had an enderman hand too. He gasped in shock. "Y/n? Your part enderman too? No way!" He said smiling as he held my hand.

"Hehe. I guess so Boo." I responded. He was very happy to see that my left hand was the same as his right hand. We held hands for a little while before we decided to go back inside.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now