Chapter 41 "Manhunt v2 Part 2"

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Suddenly, the desert was ending up ahead. "Thank god!" I thought to myself. That desert seemed to never end. Boo and I had already agreed who was going to kill who. He was going to kill George and I was going to get Dream.

The end of desert had a oak forest. George ran back into the desert when we were almost in the forest. Boo ran after him and I went after Dream. I got 2 pieces of wood while Dream got it too. Boo was going to have a hard time getting wood.

I made a crafting table and got a pickaxe. Dream had made a sword. I crit him with the pickaxe and he ran for it. I got my crafting table and ran after him. He jumped into a ravine and I did too. I got cobblestone and he couldn't get anything since he didn't make a pickaxe.

I got a few pieces of cobblestone and made another pick along with an axe. I went after him as we went deeper into the cave. Many mobs almost hit us. He hit a creeper towards me and I hit it back to him doing some damage to both of us.

We were low. I could hear George screaming and could tell he was low too. "George just run!" Dream told him. "I'M LOW I'M LOW I CAN'T SPRINT!" George replied panicking. Dream turned around to get George and I hit him. It wasn't a crit so he was still alive.

George got killed by Boo. "HAHA YESSS!" I yelled in excitement. "NOOOO!" Dream and George yelled. Boo headed over to where he saw me last and I told him the cords. He got to the forest and got wood. I was still chasing Dream. He had found a mineshaft and some food in it.

I found some bread and torches. I continued to chase after him. I breifly stopped to loot a chest in a minecart and found 5 iron, 8 torches, 5 bread and 3 diamonds. I continued to go after Dream and we passed diamonds.

I quickly made a diamond pick, mined them and got back to chasing him. I could tell that he was jealous that I got the diamonds. He must not have many.

We saw sunlight after running for what seemed like ages. There was water flowing down into the cave and Dream went over there. I let a skeleton hit me to give me a bit of a boost and I crit Dream.

He got into the water and so did I. We went up the water and he ran for it. I chased after him and Boo appeared behind me. I dropped him some stuff he got it and he continued to run after Dream.

Dream got ahead of us when nighttime came around and found a ruined portal next to a lava pool. He made a bucket, grabbed water from a nearby lake and made a portal. He used a flint and steel he got from the ruined portal and lit it.

He went thru and we went after him. We got thru the portal and there were 3 ghasts. Dream was barely dodging their fireballs. They were agroed on him so it was easy to chase him. The piglins came after us but it was easy to outrun them.

Boo found a fortress and we went to it. Dream didn't see it yet. Boo and I got to there and broke all the spawners. Dream found the fortress since we got the achievement for it. He went to where the spawner should be and found nothing.

"Wait where are the spawners?!?" He said confused.
"We broke them Dream~" I replied with an audible smirk.
"Noo!" He replied before he ran away and after 15 mins, he found another fortress. He got the blaze rods but we had the gold to get ender pearls.

We fought for a bit and then we left the nether. Dream started to kill some endermen since it was nighttime. He managed to get enough ender pearls for a few ender eyes. He threw one and followed it.

We all ran for thousands of blocks getting eachother low and then regening. Dream suddenly started to dig down. He was going for that end portal. We dug down too and found the end portal before him.

We only had a few pieces of tnt and 12 pieces of obi. Even if we tried to block the portal off with it, he could open it from underneath. Instead, we lit the portal while Dream searched for it. We put tnt above it and lit it.

It fell into the portal and as soon as Dream jumps thru, he would get completly blown up. We broke the cobble and put obi above it pretending to try to block it off from him. We put a bed in the wall where he couldn't see and put up a fight like if our lives were on the line.

In the end, he won. He got to the portal. Me and Boo were hiding in the wall. Dream went thu the portal and got blown up by the tnt. He was really low but not dead somehow. I went thru the portal and punched him into the void when he was laughing about having won.

"NOOOOOO!!!" He yelled.
"HAHA SUCK IT GREEN BOI!" I yelled at him. Boo was laughing his ass off and George was devastated. They lost to me and Boo. I could hear Dream bang his desk in anger.

He got up from his desk and walked away. I burst into laughter and then he bust into my room. He saw that we had put the greenscreen to avoid cheating and so we didn't. "BUT HOW?!?" He yelled. I wheezed so hard I saw stars.

"We don't need to talk or see eachother to communicate Dream." I replied out of breath from laughing so hard. George walked into my room and saw the greenscreen too. Boo and I were now laughing as hard as we could.

Tommy, Tubbo, Philza, Techno and a few others even came over to see what was going on. "What happened mate?" Philza asked us.
"HAHA! He-He lost to Boo and I in a manhunt!" I said while gasping for air.

Philza chuckled a bit and looked at Dream who was pissed and George too. "Yeah it was Dream and George vs Me and Y/n." Boo told them. Philza finally saw what was so funny when he heard that.

Everyone but Dream and George burst into laughter. It was contagious at this point. I stopped and walked over to Dream. I patted him on the back. "Don't worry Dream. You were a tough opponent." I told him.

He had a small smile. He broke into laughter with the rest of us and George did too.

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