Chapter 7 "Technoblade"

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*Y/n's POV*

We were fighting off the mobs of the night when I saw an enderman close to me. It looked straight at me. Tubbo covered Micheal's eyes so he wouldn't look into it's eyes.

I looked up into the enderman's eyes. It didn't agro on me. We seemed to understand eachother somehow. "⍙⊑⏃⏁⌇ ⎍⌿?" (What's up?)  It asked me.

"⊑⟟" (hi) I responded. It nodded at me slightly and then teleported away. It attacked the mobs who were after us and then left.

Dream walked over to me, "What the hell was that?" He asked me.
"To be honest, I don't know. We somehow comunicated by just saying hi." I responded.

Nihachu and Tubbo were in shock. Even Ranboo couldn't do that. And he was half enderman.

*Ranboo's POV*

Techno was towering over Tommy. He lifted his arms and then, hugged him?? "I kind of missed you Tommy not gonna lie. I thought I wouldn't find anyone else on the dream SMP." Techno said.

Tommy hugged him back before George interrupted them. "I don't mean to interrupt, but we need to get back to Snowchester with the others.

"Others?" Techno asked.
"Yea! Back with Y/n, Tubbo, Micheal, and Dream." Tommy responded.

"Ok Tommy, explain who this Y/n you mentioned." Techno said.
"She is really nice, loves to mine, is really nice and-" Philza interrupted me. "Yea she is Ranboo's new gf." Philza said in a teasing tone of voice.

Tommy got a bit angry at Philza for saying that. I think he might be jealous. But I did get very embarrased at what Philza said. He could tell too.

We started to walk over to Snowchester using portals, tridents and ender pearls. Soon enough, we were almost there. Something was moving in the distance.

We all started to sprint over. It was a ton of mobs attacking someone. An enderman teleported to one of them and after getting closer, we could see who it was.

It was Y/n. And she looked the enderman in its eyes. It didn't agro on her somehow. They seemed to talk to eachother. It nodded at her and then took out the mobs attacking them.

It was an amazing sight to behold, especially since I couldn't do that and I was half enderman myself. Everyone was shocked to see it all in action.

*Y/n's POV*

Dream was going on and on about what the hell happened when I felt a gaze on me. It multiple gazes. 5 gazes to be exact. "Dream shut the hell up. There are 5 people watching us rn." I said.

"What? How the hell can you even tell?" He asked me confused. I quickly snapped my head towards my left. There were people indeed watching.

Dream looked where I was looking and was once again impressed that I could tell we were being watched. They started to walk towards us.

It was Ranboo, George, TommyInnit, Philza AND Technoblade! They were all infront of us before we knew it. "Wow. Hi Philza! Hellooo Technoblade!" I said.

Technoblade walked up to me and started to tower over me. I stared at him into the eyes. In the blink of an eye, I had my netherite axe at his neck.

He looked a bit worried when he realized what I was holding at his neck. He nodded slightly in aproval and I slowly removed the axe from his neck.

I put my axe away and also slightly nodded. Philza was also a bit impressed. Dreams mind was absolutely blown at the guts I had to do that.

George, Nihachu, Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo's jaws were gone. They were impressed that I did that and that Technoblade didn't fight back.

Philza and Technoblade intoduced themselfs to me and I introduced myself to them. "I must admit Y/n, I didn't expect you to pull out an axe and put it to my throat. I was a tad shocked." Technoblade said.

"Yea mate even I was a bit scared." Philza responded.
"I think we were all impressed Y/n." Dream chimed in. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Pffffft. Hahahaha. It was all instinct really. Lol." I responded.
"That was all instinct? Damn. Thats some good instinct Y/n." Tubbo said.

We all started to chuckle a bit. "Alright alright lets all go back to Snowchester. It's dark already so we need to hurry." I said.
"It's already dark. We don't have to worry about it getting dark" Technoblade responded.

"Very funny Technoblade. How about you stay here and get killed by mobs since its already nighttime huh?" I replied. "Geez ok lets go then." Technoblade responded.

As we walked, Ranboo walked right beside me the whole time shooting at mobs if they attacked me and making sure I was ok. I thought it was a bit funny and cute at the same time.

Eventually, it was me shooting the mobs and protecting the group looking badass as I did so. I swung at all the mobs like an anime character, stabbing them, using my bow like a pro, dodging all the attacks and doing critical hits.

Tubbo started to fall behind a bit. He was very tired and had run out of food because he gave it to Micheal. I gave him another stack of bread and offered to carry him.

He was too tired to refuse. I started to carry him and quickly got back to the front of the group. Everyone was impressed once again. Tommy and Ranboo especially.

"How the heck can you manage to carry Tubbo and Micheal at the same time?" Ranboo asked.
"Well he does kinda weigh a bit but this is the second time I have carried him and Micheal anyways." I responded.

Ranboo's jaw dropped. Even with his mask on, I could see the bottom of his jaw due to how much it dropped. I snickered a bit.

He turned away embarrassed. I continued to snicker as he got more and more embarrassed. It was hilarious at this point.

After about 8 mins of walking, we got back to Snowchester. Most of us went into the house and some stayed outside. Ranboo led me to the basement and mined out a nice big spot as a bedroom.

He put down a bed and I put Tubbo down on it with Michael. We went back to the first floor shortly after. "Say Ranboo, why don't you and Tubbo use that house that Foolish built? Isn't it finished by now?" I asked Ranboo.

"Well almost. He was just fixing it up but he lost count or placement so he took a break from it to work on other builds." Ranboo responded.
"Ah. That makes sense now. Well I'll be back in about 10 mins." I said as I started to head out the door.

"Where are you going?" Ranboo asked. "Don't worry about it Ranboo. Just get some decorating materials and a book and quill. We gonna needs it." I responded.

Before he could say anything else I went outside and closed the door behind me. Tommy got up and left too.

I walked out the house, closed the door and headed out to the mansion next to the house. I grabbed some materials that were in the double chest there.

I started to patch up all the holes in the wall, floors and ceiling. I heard something behind me and immediatly turned around and shot my bow.

It was Tommy. "Ahh shit." I said. I ran over to Tommy and fed him a golden apple to regenerate. "Tommy, word of advice, don't spook me like that ok?" I said smiling a bit.

He chuckled a tad. "Yeahhh sorry about that I didn't mean to do that. I just wanted to see what you were up to." Tommy responded.

"Well if you want to see what im doing then you can help out. Can you fix the floor while I fix the rest please?" I asked him.

"Sure. I don't mind" he responded.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now