Chapter 29 "A Kiss"

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I let go of Boo and we both looked at eachother. We communicated like that sometimes. We nodded and we split everyone into 2 groups. Boo taught his group how to get back to irl and I did the same with my group.

After a few minutes, Dream had come back too and we all teleported out of there. When we returned, I was lying next to Boo and he was cuddling into me. He woke up right after I looked at thrlem.

I heard a snicker and remembered that everyone was in my room. I teleported out of the bed and shooed everyone out of my room. I closed the door and teleported to right next to Boo.

I hugged them and put my wing over them. "Y/n?" He said.
"Yes Boo?" I replied.
"After all this, will we still hangout and maybe, can we go out tomorrow?" He asked me.
"I will always hangout with you Boo. And I would love to go out with you." I replied.

He smiled and hugged me. We looked at eachother in the eyes and got closer to eachother. We took off our masks and looked into our eyes. We closed our eyes and kissed.

"Oooooooh!" I heard someone say. Me and Boo stopped and turned red as ever. It was Philza. We heard a small snap and Philza ran out of the room. I put my mask back on and teleported to the living room.

Philza was there about to show Dream and the others. My eyes glowed like never before and even my wings glowed a bit. "Philza. Hand. It. Over." I told him with the most ice cold voice ever.

Philza wasn't smiling anymore. He was scared. I stepped closer to him and streched out my hand for his phone. "Philza. Now." I told him. He tapped a few things and then turned the phone towards me.

He showed me as he deleted the 2 pictures. I started to calm down but heard a phone get a notification. Dream took his phone out of his pocket and checked it.

He smiled until he scrolled down a bit and then frowned. "Y/n. What did you do." He asked me. That's when I realized that Philza had sent it to Dream before deleting it.

I did an enderman screech and grabbed Philza by the collar. "Phil you fucked up!" I said as I stared at him in the eyes. Quickly, someone grabbed me from behind and held me up a bit.

I started to panic as soon as my feet were off the ground. I snapped my neck towards who was holding me. It was Boo. "Boo, he took 2 pictures and showed it to Dream let me go!" I told them.

His slight smile melted off his face. "He. Did. What?" Boo asked me.
"He took 2 pictures and sent it to Dream so let me attack him." I said to Boo. He put me down.
"Philza that was too far." Boo told him.

Philza was in a cold sweat now. Boo let go of me and I ran towards Philza. Philza teleported into Minecraft at just the right time for me to fall onto the ground face first.

I somehow had managed to knock myself out due to how I landed on the ground. Boo saw that and picked me up and dragged me to my room. Dream was still furious at what he saw Philza take a picture of.

He decided to follow after Boo. After a little bit, Boo had managed to put me in my bed once again. Dream saw that he really cared about me but still had his suspicions. After all, I was like his little sister. He couldn't trust anyone to make sure I was safe.

Dream left the room so Boo could continue to help me. After about 5 minutes, I woke up. Boo was next to me cuddling into me and my wings. He looked adorable.

It was late and I was tired. I took out my phone and played a bit for a few hours and told Dream that I was going to sleep. After about 4 hours of playing games and posting stuff on my accounts, I put my phone away and fell asleep.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now