Chapter 25 "Replenish Snack Trip"

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"Y/n, Ranboo, where did you go." Dream asked while looking at me in the eyes. I walked towards him and stared back at him. He was slightly impressed that I could maintain eye contact.

I got closer to him until I was almost in his face. I quickly took of my mask and agroed on him. It scared him to see my jaw do that. He fell backwards in shock. I teleported around to make it seem like I was going to attack him.

He ran out the room and downstairs. I put my mask back on and Boo started to laugh. It wasn't everyday you get to see Dream fall backwards and run away in shock and in fear.

Besides, we had went on a trip to replenish the snacks we ate. It was only fair that Dream wouldn't scare us like that.

I mean, we did eat the snacks but we made up for it and ate some before we came back so we wouldn't eat the snacks we put in the fridge. He should cut us some slack.

Boo stopped laughing after a few mins of laughter and me giggling. It was really hilarious to see. If only we could have recorded it.

After we stopped laughing, Dream bust back in the room. "Y/n!" He yelled. "Snacks are back in the fridge!" He looked at me astounded. I sighed and said, "Dream we went to the mall and got snacks to put back since we ate them." I replied.

"Oh." He responded. Boo nodded in agreement. He stood behind me and leaned on me. He was staring at Dream while swishing his tail.

"She is right Dream we teleported to the mall, got snacks, extra snacks, ate the extra snacks and then put the rest in the fridge." Boo said to Dream.

Dream slowly nodded. Boo wrapped his tail around my hand while Dream was looking puzzled. I held Boo's tail and said, "Dream what's wrong? You look confused and stuff." I asked Dream.

"Well you teleported yourself and Ranboo back, passed out because it took too much energy, went into minecraft with Ranboo, spent in game weeks in there, built a house, mined,

farmed, pushed eachother into lava and can still teleport to the mall with Ranboo, AND back, and to the kitchen and back again. You can regen energy like never seen before." He replied.

Me and Boo stopped looking at eachother and stared at Dream with a death stare. "You know that how?...I never told you about it." I said to Dream.

" you see, I might have entered your room and saw you play mc with Ranboo...?" Dream replied while doing an akward smile.
"So you recorded it all and sent it to yourself... I CHECKED ALL MY ACCOUNTS BECAUSE I THOUGHT I GOT HACKED!" I yelled at Dream.

He gave out an akward chuckle and scratched his neck. "Oops?" He replied. I got so pissed. I checked about 20 accounts because I thought I got hacked. It was not funny at all.

I could feel the anger flowing through me. I could feel all the anger in my body seem to light like when I almost one hit the dragon. "Dream..." I said while glitching out a bit.

I felt so angry at Dream for doing that. It wasn't even embarrassment anymore. It was just the fact that I checked so many accounts because he didn't bother to tell me that he was the one who did it.

Dream was very scared at this point. "Look Y/n, what if I get you a new monitor and some stuff for you not to kill me." Dream said cowering a bit.

My eyes started to glow a bit in anger. "Fine." I replied. He nodded and then ran out of the room at full speed, which was really fast thanks to his speed 2 effect from him being a speedrunner and hunted in manhunts.

Boo got more comfortable while leaning on me. His hair and tail was so fluffy. I teleported us to sitting on the bed. He laid down on my lap as I ran my fingers through his hair.

He looked so comfortable and cute. We laid down and slowly fell asleep. When I woke up, Boo wasn't next to me. I started to panic when I heard a small sob.

I sat up and saw Boo sobbing at the end of the bed sitting on the floor. Did I do something wrong? "Why.." I heard them mumble. He must still be sad about what happened at his house.

I honestly can't blame them. It was difficult just to watch, I can't imagine how it might have felt to go through that. And then on top of that, I passed out as soon as we got back from over there.

The good part was that now we could hang out for a month, but at what cost? His mother didn't even get the chance to say much about it all. And by what I've heard, she is always very supportive for Boo.

Maybe if she got to say something, it wouldn't have gone to such lengths. But we couldn't turn back time. I made sure I wouldn't startle Boo that much and hugged him.

He stopped sobbing, turned around and hugged me back. He was holding his phone. I managed to get a glance at his phone and it was messages from his dad.

It was from yesterday but there were some harsh words. He must have opened it and read them. "Boo are you ok?" I asked him.
"Not really.." he replied with a bit of sadness in his voice.

"Then get ready, we are going on a trip. But after the little trip, I will pass out for about 2 hours." I told Boo.
"But Y/n-" he tried to protest but I cut him off.
"No buts. Get ready Boo."

"Ok princess." He replied. We stopped hugging and he took some clothes and a towel to take a shower. Right after Boo walked out the room, Dream walked in.

"Y/n, you are scary." Dream told me. I was confused. I remembered what I had done but it seemed like he was talking about something else. "What do you mean Dream?" I asked him while setting up some stuff on my pc and phone.

"I walked into your room to check on you last night and your eyes were glowing even tho they were closed. I even took a picture to prove it!" He said as he shoved his phone in my face.

I looked at it and yes, my eyes were glowing. He was right, it was scary. "Dream, I'm going to be honest, what you took a picture of, looks like it got posessed." I replied.

He nodded in agreement. It really did look like I got posessed. I called Dream over to sit next to me to check something. It was the plans to do while Boo gets to stay over for a while month.

"Damnnn Y/n this is a lot of plans! Why would you even put all of this together?" Dream asked me. "Something happened at Boo's house, his father got a little too mad, and Boo can't go back home for a month." I replied.

Dream was shocked and angry. "Y/n, teleport me over there to beat the crap out of him right now." He demanded.
"No Dream, he will realize the error of his ways soon enough." I replied with a big smirk on my face.

"But look, Boo gets to be here for an entire month so im going to do this shit. Either come with, or stay behind. Pick one." I added.
"Count me in." He replied. I nodded. What I was about to do, would take a ton of energy.

Dream eventually left the room after me going on and on about how it would all take place. My planning was too good for him to even comprehend.

A few mins later, Boo came back with fresh, clean, and funny hair. It was fluffy but not at the same time. I minimized the tab and walked over to him. He smelled nice.

"Boo you smell nice." I told him. He turned a bit red and said, "T-thanks princess." I giggled a bit and walked over to my pc.
"Boo, I'll be right back, just give me like 4 mins and you will see what my plan is." I told him as he sat on my bed to play on his phone.

I printed out some things from a very small, pocket size printer and teleported away.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now