Chapter 17 "The Fight"

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The dragon sent me 180 blocks up and I was falling. "Ah shit." I thought to myself. Right as I was about to hit the ground, I drank a slow falling potion and took no damage.

My timing was perfect. Dream and Ranboo were suprised. I was pissed at that dragon after it did that. "Great. Just like bedrock. I know how to do this, get the towers and I will get the dragon." I said to Dream.

He nodded and I drank a speed potion. I ran in a big zigzag so the dragon couldn't hit me. It came at me and I saw what Dream meant by "run!".

The Ender Dragon had diamond armor. Dream had made a plug in so the dragon would have diamond armor. This was worse than bedrock.

I charged at the dragon while it was down. I attacked it and landed as many hits on it as I could. I barely did any damage to it.

It was about to take off again. I ran as fast as I could while Dream took down the end crystals on the towers. The dragon was going after him.

It could agro on different people whenever it wanted. That wasnt the best plug in to code. It went over to Dream and sent him flying like it did to me.

I saw that he wasn't going to land that water bucket. I saw where he was going to land and placed the water. He landed right in it and I picked the water back up.

I saved his life but went back to fight the dragon. Everyone helped to attack the dragon and after 5 minutes, I took the last swing.

We respawned the dragon and did the same thing 14 times. Many almost died but me, Dream, and Ranboo saved a few of them.

But on the 15th respawn, things didn't go as planned. Ranboo was low and the dragon was flying towards him. It would kill them if it hit th3m.

It charged at them and I ran over to them. I pushed him to the side and it flew into me at full speed. It hit me hard enough that it paralysed me.

It had sent me flying too. I wasn't going to be able to mlg on time. As I fell I knew it wasn't going to be pretty. I fell and no one was going to be able to mlg for me.

I saw the ground getting closer. It was like it was happening in slow motion. My life didn't flash before my eyes like everyone talks about. I just closed my eyes and thought about the fact that I protected Boo until the end.

I felt the floor a bit before everything went black. I opened my eyes and saw the respawn screen. "What? No way! We can respawn?!? POG!" I shouted.

I pressed the respawn button and respawned at the bed outside the portal. I jumped into the portal and ran up the staircase. I saw in chat that Ranboo killed the dragon.

I cheered internally. I saw that everyone was in a circle near my stuff. They were all sad. They thought I was gone for good and some were crying.

Ranboo looked completly broken. Dream was sobbing and even Techno had tears in his eyes. Everyone was very sad. I ran over and hugged Ranboo as hard as I could.

Everyone realized that I was back and started to cheer up. Ranboo hugged me as hard as he could and was sobbing while hugging me. He was very happy to see me again.

I was happy to still be alive and be able to protect Boo. I picked up my stuff and put my armor back on. I got my weapons and potions ready. "Hannah, place the end crystals please. I'm ready to end this dragon." I said to Hannah.

"No Y/n! You can't! Your life is in danger! I won't allow it!" Ranboo protested. He tried to hold me back but I ran over to Hannah and took the end crystals from her.

I placed them and the Ender Dragon started to respawn. I walked over to Ranboo and whispered something to him. His eyes widened and he nodded. The dragon respawned and I immediatly ran towards it. I placed a bed and got the dragon to take damage to it.

Dream nodded and went to go break the end crystals. Everyone helped and broke them all. The dragon went after me again and yeeted me 200 blocks up. As I got yeeted, we all got the headache. It really hurt.

I could feel something running through my veins. A sort of energy. It felt powerful. I saw one of the towers and thought about how it looked. I closed my eyes and felt a dizzy sensation for a second and when I opened my eyes, I was on the tower.

Right where I had pictured too. I could teleport. I pictured next to Ranboo when the dragon was coming at me at full speed. I teleported to right next to him right before the dragon hit me.

It was amazing to be able to teleport. Soon enough, we were down to the last respawn. The dragon roared as it respawned. We all got our weapons ready, Dream got his bow ready, and there was one person at each tower.

As soon as it perched, everyone at the towers broke the crystals. Me and Dream went towards the dragon at full speed with our beds and swords out. We planned on slaughtering that dragon like never before.

I ran as fast as I could ready to mess that dragon up for good. I jumped as I was going to hit it, I thought about how much I hated the dragon and all it has ever done to me as my hacked pickaxe was about to hit it.

My anger was so much that my pickaxe seemed to glow more than when its enchanted. In one single hit, I did more than half of it's health. Right after I landed the hit, it's wings got in the way and sent me flying into the air.

While I was in the air, I saw Dream charge at the dragon and do some damage to it. I mlged with a powdered snow bucket. Techno and a few others came down from the pillars and attacked the dragon.

Techno killed the dragon and the portal opened to go back home. Some went through the portal without a second thought to it but those who stayed, were Dream, Ranboo, Philza, Nihachu, Tubbo with Micheal and Tommy.

I pulled out a book and wrote down my discord name and tag so he could find me later. I handed it to Dream and then we passed it around to everyone else.

We knew what we had to do, we had to get back by going through the portal and then find eachother in the real world. Our new "features" weren't going to be reversed, but it wasnt going to continue any longer.

I walked over to Ranboo and held his hands. "Boo, don't worry. I will find you again and we will meet up. Take your book and this one to the real world." I told thrm.

We all walked towards the portal and I gave everyone one last hug before I go into the portal. I hugged Ranboo last. I got close to them and kissed them on the cheek. He started to get red and tried to say something but I saluted him and jumped backwards into the portal.

Ranboo reached out for me but was too late. Without thinking, he jumped in the portal trying to go after me. Everyone else jumped in after.

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