Chapter 23 "Back To The SMP"

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I had teleported to the living room. I felt really dizzy. Dream ran over and hugged Boo. It was nice to see them interact like that. "Boo, im going to take a small nap so wake me up in a few hours ok?" I said fumbling on my words a bit.

Before Boo could finish nodding yes, I passed out and fell on the floor. Dream and Boo ran to my aid and carried me to my room. They put me down on the bed and Boo sat next to me.

Dream left the room and closed the door behind him. Boo looked devastated. And I could see because I had jumped into the Minecraft menu and built up to the screen.

He looked so sad to see me like that. "Boo!" I yelled. No response. "BOO!" I yelled even louder. He seemed to hear it a bit. "BOO!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He turned around and saw me.

I waved and he smiled. He walked over to my pc and sat down in my chair. I pointed to the headphones and he put them on. "Hi Boo" I said. He smiled and said, "Hi Princess."

"What??" I said turning red. He smirked.
"I said hi Princess." He replied. I turned even more red and looked away. I sat on the block I had towered up on and held my face in my hands.

"How did you get there princess?" Boo asked me.
"Well I thought of Minecraft before passing out." I replied. He chuckled a bit, "so how can I get over there princess? You can't just leave me here." He said teasing me.

"Just lie down next to me irl and fall asleep while thinking of the mc menu." I replied. He nodded, took off the headphones and walked over to me irl. He laid down and after a few minutes, he was in the Minecraft menu with me.

He got some blocks and towered up to me. We clicked play and went into the dream SMP once again. This time however, we were at Boo's house and we could access our open stuff on our pc.

But since Boo hadn't set up his pc, he couldn't access anything. I opened discord and got into the vc. Dream and a few others joined instantly. "Y/n! I thought you passed out! You scared me and everyone else!" Dream yelled.

"Dream I did pass out." I replied.
"What do you mean Y/n?" Dream asked me. I turned on my camera and struck a pose. Boo saw what I was doing and walked behind me. He struck a pose aswell and we both burst into laughter.

After laughing for a bit and Dream with his cam on looking pissed, I explained what happened when I passed out. Right after I finished telling everyone about it, Dream got up and ran out of his room.

He then sent something in the discord. I showed Boo. Dream had taken a picture of us cuddling irl while we were in game. Boo looked cute but it was still embarrassing. His tail was wrapped around my arm irl.

He looked so comfy too. I turned off my camera and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I turned the camera back on and everyone saw Boo blushing like heck.

I saw that I could share my screen so I tapped the button on discord. They could see everything from my point of view now. I turned off my camera and then looked at Boo, who was as red as can be.

I giggled a bit and Boo looked at me with a furiously cute face. I managed to take a screenshot of it and smirked. Boo couldn't tell when I took a screenshot.

We had to picture taking one for it to happen. The ones watching my screenshare however, did see that I took a screenshot. I stopped screensharing and held Boo's hand.

I muted myself on discord and looked at Boo. He was smiling but I could tell that behind those beautiful eyes, he was hurting a bit. "Boo, in a month, you will back to living in your house like normal.

Don't worry, he just got spooked I think. Imagine if someone you cared for woke up and looked like their mc character a bit." I said while holding his hand.

"I guess I would freak out too..." Boo replied looking a bit sad. I lifted up his head with my other hand,
"Boo, get over it, you will have a ton of fun hanging out with us all for an entire month. You won't have to worry about anything." I said to them.

He cheered up a bit and nodded. I left the vc and, for many mc days, we went mining, fishing, farming, building, pushing eachother into lava, going bed mining and having a ton of fun.

We stopped to have a break on a nice hill we had found and built a house on. We laid down on the grass gazing at the sunset while holding hands. It was lovely.

We watched as the sunset turned into nighttime and we saw as mobs spawned in the distance. We looked up at the stars and by god did they look beautiful.

"The stars are really beautiful tonight huh Y/n?" Boo said to me. I nodded,
"but not as beautiful as you Boo." I replied. He chuckled lightly.

"You still take the cake on that one princess." He replied. We chuckled a bit,
"Cake? You know you have that infinite cake glitch Boo." I said. He chuckled a bit and placed a cake next to them.

He grabbed a slice and handed it to me. I took the piece and was about to eat it when I remembered about my mask. Boo hadn't seen me without it yet.

"Princess, whats wrong?" Boo asked me.
"You havent seen me without my mask and I don't know if you can take it." I replied while turning to face another way.

"I promise to not freak out about it Y/n." He replied. I felt safe hearing that from them so I took off the mask. He was a bit suprised but not freaking out.

"Y/n, you are beautiful." He said while looking at me. I looked into his eyes ad saw that he was smiling. I smiled back and started to eat the cake.

It started to get a bit cloudy and before we knew it, it was lightly raining a bit. Just enough for it to count but not much. Boo mined his cake and put it back in his inventory.

We both looked at eachother and smiled. We got closer to eachother and ended up cuddling on the grass. There were fireflies, the light rain and the soft light of the house we made, just enough for no mobs to spawn.

We gazed at the clouds and stars before falling asleep.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now