Chapter 28 "The Baby Zombie"

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They were a combination of demon wings and angel ones somehow. They were fluffy but looked evil somehow. My back stopped hurting and I could move it now.

I could move my wings even tho they were a bit heavy. I took the advice of the book. I imagined my wings putting themselfs away and they did. Everyone was very impressed but maybe it was due to the fact that they hadn't read the book yet.

I cracked my back and teleported to right next to Boo. I heard small wings flutter and Kristin appeared behind me. I turned to look at her which wasn't hard since I could turn my head all the way to 180°.

It did to seem to freak everyone out but she walked towards me and sat next to me. Everyone went back to their stuff and Tommy once again was being chased by a baby zombie.

"Y/n, what are you at this point?" She asked me in a calm voice.
"Well to be honest, I don't know. The backstory of my character is that I was almost complete enderman and then scientists found me and did many tests for years.

At this point, I wouldn't be too suprised if I was a bit of everything." I replied. She nodded and Boo looked away. Maybe he hated me? No wait, he was moving his hand closer to mine.

He wanted to hold hands but didn't want to show it. I smiled, held his hand and turned back to Kristin. "That's quite the backstory Y/n." She replied.

I nodded. "I never even thought or daydreamed about being like my character so I guess I just made it so I could be any animal at any time.

I mean, I even added part cat so like, I could be anything at any time if I was my character." I told her. She was impressed.
"This place is amazing. How did you find out about being able to go into it?" She asked me.

"We all woke up one day in this place. We grouped together and fought the Ender Dragon 20 times. Boo almost died but I pushed th3m out of the Ender Dragon's way, saving his life.

We later woke up in our beds with all out little "features" since the longer we stayed, the more we became like our character. We only found out about that after 2-3 days or so of being here.

I didn't tell everyone to not cause a panick but those who I did tell, well, they weren't as happy after knowing about it.

Some of us don't have the best characters so I had to get Boo out of there as soon as possible. He is part enderman so he wouldn't be able to touch water." I replied.
"Wow." She said.

It seemed to be the only thing she could say without tripping over her words. "KRISTIN HELP MEEE!" Philza yelled. She said, "see you in a bit." And teleported away to him.

I heard Tubbo yell my name and I teleported me and Boo over. Tommy was barely holding onto a block trying to not fall into lava. Without thinking, I grabbed his hand and pulled as hard as I could.

Alone, I managed to pull him up. It would appear that thanks to my enderman part and the other side, my strength doubled when I needed it.

I fell back and Tommy fell onto his stomach. "Tommy don't pull that shit again." I said out of breath.
"Yeah I'm not doing that anytime soon." He replied also out of breath.

I teleported to right next to Tommy and teleported us to farther away from the lava and standing up. I teleported to next to Boo and cuddled into them.

Before anyone saw me doing that, I extended my wings, covering the view of everyone else for when I cuddled into him. He was somehow soft.

His tail and hair no doubt, were fluffy as f. He pat my hair and instantly started to stroke it a bit. I guess my hair was as soft as I wanted it to be. We heard Bad say, "that's so cute you muffinheads!"

"Bad, don't you normally do this with Skeppy?" I asked, teasing him.
"Hmph!' He said as he walked away. I chuckled a bit. Boo continued to pat my hair and run his fingers through my hair. He seemed to really like my hair as much as I liked his hair.

I teleported to behind Dream and teleported him next to George. I pushed George into Dream and teleported back into Boo's arms. I saw Dream and George blush like crazy. "Y/n! I'm going to kill you!" Dream yelled at me.

I hid behind Boo and extended my wings around him. Dream pulled out his axe and was going to attack me when George gave him a slight hug. He turned so red when that happened.

I snickered a bit and so did a few others. "Sooo Dream, you gonna make George stop hugging you just to kill me?" I teased Dream. He looked at me with an embarrassed and angry face.

"You just saved your ass Y/n." Dream replied. Suddenly, someone hit him with an axe.
"LANGUAGE!" Bad yelled. Dream let go of George and ran to attack Bad.
"OH MUFFINS!" Bad yelled as Dream chased him.

I rolled my eyes and teleported infront of Bad. I grabbed his arm and teleported away. Dream continued to run and look back at me. He realized why I had teleported Bad away.

There was a cliff and he just fell off it. I rolled my eyes again and teleported to right next to him midair. I grabbed his hand and teleported back up. He smiled at the fact that I just saved him.

His smile slowly turned into an evil grin. His face was somehow so black that I couldn't see anything but his evil grin and a glowing red eye. He pulled out an axe and pointed it to me.

Everyone hid behind Boo. I did my most evil grin and took off my mask. His smile was slowly turning into a frown. I let my eyes glow and I bent my neck to a 90° angle to scare him.

His smile melted off his face and he dropped his axe. He started to try to run backwards away from me. I opened my mouth and started to evily laugh. He started to run away but I teleported to behind him each time he got farther away from me.

He was eventually screaming bloody murder so I stopped teleporting to him and put my mask back on. I cracked my neck so it would feel better after it being at a 90° angle.

I made my eyes go back to normal and ajusted my jaw due to it being able to open like an enderman's mouth. I teleported back to Boo, hugged them and wrapped my wings around them.

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