Chapter 45 "Late Night Ranboo Stream"

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*Ranboo's POV*

We all ate like 3 plates full of food and Tommy was complaining about having eaten too much. "Tommy, stop whining because no one forced you to eat that much." Y/n told Tommy. Tommy seemed to shut up after she said that.

Y/n and the others got up to start to leave and she put out her hand for me to take it. I grabbed her hand and she helped me up. Tubbo seemed really worn out from all of the eating and feeding Micheal.

We walked out of the restaurant and Y/n grabbed my waist. "Wha? Huh?" I said when she grabbed me by the waist. She lifted me and held me like it was nothing. I was really trying to not blush. "Dream help Tubbo out will you please?" She asked Dream. He shook his head.

"Then hold Boo." She told him. He sighed a bit and helped Tubbo. Philza went over and held Micheal for Tubbo. Kristin went over to Philza and held Micheal for him while he tried to help Wilbur who was almost completly asleep.

Tommy was starting to pass out too. He was very sleepy. Y/n got me to hold hands with Dream and we all held hands in a circle. She teleported us to the living room and carried me up the stairs as everyone went to bed.

She walked into our room still holding me, closed the door and put me down on the bed before going over to her pc. At some point she took a picture of us at the buffet and I could tell because she tweeted it really blurred out.

"I went to the buffet with a few people tune into the next stream to find out who!" Her tweet read. I liked and retweeted it and it blew up. There were so many likes and retweets as soon as I liked her tweet.

She turned off her phone and pc and then walked over to me. We heard some light thunder from outside and looked at the window to see some raindrops and the sky dark as heck.

It was clear that a thunderstorm was coming. It was weird that a few days ago it was clear skies and we were at the beach and now it was pouring rain and a thunderstorm was aproaching.

"Boo?" Y/n said.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Do you want to stream at the same time tomorrow? I have a plan to do it in different rooms and then I pretend I'm mad at you and leave the room and appear behind you." She said.

"Sure it sounds like a fun idea!" I replied. "But will you tell chat about the whole everyone is here thing?" I asked. She nodded in agreement. I went over to my pc and checked twitter. Her tweet went viral.

Dream and all the others from the dream SMP liked and retweeted it. It had over a million likes and almost as many retweets. "Princess your tweet is a bit popular." I told her. She looked confused, went to her pc and checked twitter. Her jaw dropped.

*Y/n's POV*

After a ton of drama and us getting back home, I was at my pc debating on wether to tell chat about it all or not. "Boo?" I said.
"Yeah?" He replied.

"Do you want to stream at the same time tomorrow? I have a plan to do it in different rooms and then pretend I'm mad at you and leave the room and appear behind you." I told them.

"Sure it sounds like a fun idea!" He replied. "But will you tell chat about the whole everyone is here thing?" He asked.

I nodded im agreement. He walked over to his pc and checked something. "Princess your tweet is a bit popular." He said. I looked at them confused, went over to my pc and opened twitter.

My jaw dropped. My tweet got liked and retweeted by everyone on the dream SMP. I had so many likes and retweets. "Hey I might stream soon." Boo said. I nodded.
"I'll watch for a bit then Boo." I replied.

He started to set up his mic and camera as I sat down on the bed. Due to the angle of the camera, I would be in the view of it but I didn't care. I was just going to be on my phone.

He got it all set up and went live. "Hello chat! I'm live with Y/n over there laying down playing on her phone. Today we are going to just mine on the dream SMP for redstone and diamonds so this is just a chill stream." He told chat.

I heard mining and ran over behind them. "Boo I heard the word mining. What are we doing?" I told thrm. He jumped a bit at the fact that I was quiet when appearing behind them.

"Oops sorry Boo I didn't mean to scare you." I said as I gave them a hug.
"Yeah you scared me prince- wait no!" He almost called me princess infront of his 7k viewers.
"Lmao yea careful Boo, you might not want to say that infront of 7k people." I told them.

He turned around and stared at me. "Ya think?" He replied. I walked over to my pc and opened mc. I sat down at my chair and joined the dream SMP. Boo's chat went crazy to see I was on the dream SMP.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now