Chapter 34 "The Date"

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It was screenshots of me from everytime I had my camera on. There were atleast 50-100 screenshots of me. I was a bit impressed to say the least. His memory must be terrible for him to take so many screenhsots of it all just to remember. I turned to Boo but he had gone back to chatting with the others.

He had no idea that I found his screenshots. I took a screenshot of how many there were and sent it to myself and Dream. I then deleted the screenshot I took so it was like it was never there.

About an hour later, Boo hung up on his call. Everyone had stuff to do so Boo left it. He got up, walked over to me and rested his head on my shoulder. I was busy playing Among Us again and I had a sweet kill streak and was getting away with it.

I did one more kill and then I won the game. My imposter buddy had gotten voted out at the start of the game for not paying attention to where players were when they vented.

I had gotten all the kills. I collected my reward and the achievement before leaving the lobby and then closing the game. "Boo, today we are doing what we agreed on before the day we went to the beach remember?" I asked them.

He seemed clueless. He walked over to his luggage and pulled out a book. It had a nice brown leather cover. On the had "do not read" in all caps... this, this was his memory book. He actually did use one irl.

He flipped through a ton of pages, perhaps even half the book and got to a certain page. He read it and turned to me in a bit of shock. "Let's get ready then princess!" He said. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Boo, I have been ready." I replied. He quickly took his towel and went to go shower. A few mins later, he came back with his towel wrapped around his waist. He forgot to take his clothes to change into so I left the room so he could change.

The look on his face was priceless when he realized he didn't take clothes. I rolled my eyes, went out the room and closed it behind me. I went downstairs to see Dream in his hoodie looking like he hadn't slept and playing on his phone.

I walked up to him and he didn't even notice. I looked at his phone and he was looking at fanart of the dream team. I think he was mostly looking at fanart of George. I rolled my eyes and teleported to George.

He was slumped in his chair just staring at the empty screen. "George what happened?" I asked him. He didn't respond. I teleported back to the kitchen and saw Sapnap trying to get Dream's attencion but failing to do so.

I walked over to Sapnap and asked him what was going on. "Well Dream and George got into a really heated fight and said some hurtfull stuff to eachother and won't apologize or pay attention to anyone else." He replied.

I rolled my eyes and teleported to Philza. He had fallen asleep with his phone on so I sent some pictures he had to my phone. I put the phone back in his asleep hand and teleported back to Dream and Sapnap.

I opened the picture and showed it to Dream. He instantly yelled "WHAT IS THAT?!?" I chuckled and put my phone away. Sapnap was suprised to see that I got him out of whatever trance he seemed to be in.

"Y/n what did you show Dream for him to react like that?" Sapnap asked me. I smirked and turned away to go to the fridge. Dream was so confused on what he had seen. It was hilarious, of course. I got a bag of chips from the fridge and teleported to my room.

Boo had a lovely suit on and was looking his very best. He even looked better than me. His suit was sharp and clean while I was wearing a long skirt, a short sleeve shirt, a nice handbag and some casual sandals.

He turned around and grabbed his phone and brought it over to me. He had found a nice restaurant for us to go to. It was close by and elegant. I texted Dream thru discord telling him that me and Boo were gonna go out and I put my phone away.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now