Chapter 44 "Buffet"

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We had teleported to the empty parking lot. "So thats why we have to hold hands!" Tommy exclaimed. I nodded in agreement.
"Yep if we don't, I can't teleport us to where we need to go." I told him.

We walked up to the restaurant and looked thru the window. It was a chinese all you can eat buffet. "We have to eat now." Wilbur said practically drooling at the sight of so much food. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the door.

Everyone followed and we went inside. There were a few people there already but not many. We went up to the desk and I payed the money for a buffet for each of us. Tommy ran over to the buffet and grabbed a plate.

Wilbur followed and Philza went over to keep them from over eating and not wasting food. Kristin also went over to help. Dream grabbed my hand and pulled me along as he went to the buffet and grabbed a plate.

Tubbo grabbed a normal plate and a small one for Micheal. Boo was behind me still confused on why Dream had dragged me. "Dream why did you drag me?" I asked Dream.
"No reason now get a plate." He replied as he let go of my hand.

I grabbed Boo's hand and got two plates. I handed them one and we got a bunch of food on our plates. Tubbo, Micheal, Tommy, Wilbur and Philza all sat at one table while Dream, Boo, Kristin and I sat at another.

Dream had a ton on his plate too while Kristin had a little bit of everything to try it I guess. I looked at Boo who was debating on taking his mask off to eat or not. I stared at Dream for him to get the message and Kristin too.

When Boo took off his mask, we did everything to make them feel like we weren't watching them or anything so he could feel comfortable. I then took off my mask and then Dream did too. We seemed to all have masks.

I dug into the spaguetti and veggie rolls I got while Dream dug into the pieces of BBQ on a stick. Kristin dug into the mashed potatoes and Boo seemed to really like the broccoli he had gotten. A waiter came over and asked if we wanted drinks.

Boo asked for a juice while Dream and Kristin asked for some soda and I asked for a cup of water. I wanted to see if it would harm me due to the whole dream SMP stuff. The waiter nodded and went to Tommy's table.

They ordered their drinks and the waiter left to go get them. A few minutes later, the waiter came over with our drinks. Boo and I were about to get up to get more food when our drinks got there.

I took a small sip of the water and didn't feel any pain or anything weird. Maybe it was fine to drink water after all. Boo and I got up and went to get more food and I quickly got it and sat down to eat it.

Kristin went over too and it was just me and Dream at the table. "Y/n how come you tell Ranboo about stuff before you tell me?" He asked sounding a bit jealous.
"Well you don't really ask Dream, lol." I replied with a very slight chuckle.

"But Y/nnn I'm like your older brother you should tell me!" He said. I rolled my eyes a bit.
"Fine Dream I will tell you before Boo." I replied. He cheered up and got up to get more food.

I turned around to see what the others were doing and saw Tubbo confused on what Micheal liked to eat. Tommy was just eating everything so quickly off his plate and Philza was trying to get him to slow down before he chokes.

Boo sat down next to me with his plate of food. "Y/n?" He said.
"Yes Boo?" I replied.
"Thanks for bringing us here and paying for it." He said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. Dream saw this and started to fuss about it when he sat down.

Kristin was trying so hard to not laugh while I was trying to not turn red.

*Ranboo's POV*

We all held hands and teleported to the dark parking lot of the chinese buffet place. "So thats why we have to hold hands!" Tommy exclaimed. I didn't really know we had to do that but we had done it at the beach so why did Tommy not remember?

Y/n answered him but it was a bit confusing how he didn't remember but I shrugged it off. We walked to the window and saw that it was a buffet. "We have to eat now." Wilbur said. Y/n rolled her eyes and went to the door.

We followed and we went inside. There were a few people there but not many. Y/n went up to the desk and payed for all of us to have the buffet. I wanted to pay instead of her but she wouldn't allow me.

Tommy immediately ran over to the buffet and grabbed a plate and started to scoop food onto it like crazy. Wilbur went over too and Philza jogged over to stop Tommy from getting so much food.

Even Kristin went over to help Philza with them two. They were acting like little kids at a buffet. Dream grabbed Y/n's hand and dragged her over to the buffet. I followed after them confused as heck.

The others got their own plate while Y/n said something to Dream and he said something back before letting go of Y/n's hand and she grabbed mine. She grabbed two plates and handed me one.

We got some food on our plates and everyone took a seat at 2 different tables. I sat down and grabbed a forkfull of broccoli before realizing I had my mask on. I didn't really want to take it off.

I saw Y/n stare at Dream and then at Kristin and they looked away from me pretending to look at something outside. She had gotten them to look away so I would feel comfortable.

I took off my mask and dug into my food as they took off their mask and did too. A waiter suddenly came over and asked if we wanted anything to drink. I asked for some juice while Dream and Kristin ordered soda and Y/n got water.

"Would she be ok if she has water? Hopefully she will be ok." I thought to myself. The waiter nodded and went to Tommy's table. After a little while, the waiter came back with the drinks.

We were getting up to get more food when the drinks came. Y/n took a sip of the water and seemed fine. She and I then got up and went to get more food. She got the food she wanted to eat quickly and went to sit back down. Kristin came over too to get food.

Y/n and Dream said a few things and I saw her roll her eyes a bit. She turned around to look at the others and saw Tommy eating at a world record speed. I walked over and sat next to her. "Y/n?" I said.

"Yes Boo?" She replied.
"Thanks for bringing us here and paying for it." I told her before kissing her cheek. Dream went bonkers about it as I sat down next to Y/n who was trying to not turn red and Kristin who was walking over when I did that and was trying to not laugh.

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