Chapter 46 "Phasmophobia Stream"

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I saw some of my viewers in his chat. "Oh hi everyone! You know, to the pog peeps that are usually in my stream. It's nice to see my viewers here on Boo's stream! How is everyone?" I asked chat.

Everyone started to donate a ton to reply to me. I saw my viewers say they were good and didn't expect to see me there.

"Yeah so chat, Boo shall be here with me for a month and if you saw my tweet on twitter which has a million likes, I have even more to show everyone on my next stream! So stay tuned while I mine with Boo on the dream SMP casually." I told chat.

For about 3 hours, Boo and I mined and had gotten a ton of stuff. At this point, it was 3am tho and we had to sleep eventually.

"Boo, as much as I love to stay up and stream especially mining, we need to sleep. It's like 3am rn and we shouldn't be staying up so late." I told Boo. He turned around and said "Ok mom." As he rolled his eyes.

"Boo you little shit! Stay up then I'm sleeping." I said with a dramatic huff. I logged off the dream SMP and put the pc to sleep. I then got up, pretended to smack Boo across the back of the head and let myself fall onto the bed.

"Why did you almost hit me though Y/n?" Boo asked sounding confused and dramaticly offended.
"Cuz you don't want to sleep so you shall sleep on the floor." I replied.
"Nooooo!" He said as he came over to me. He sat at the end of the bed and stared at me.

"Boo, we are both part enderman with anxiety on the side. Stare at me, I stare at you." I told them. He got up and went back to his pc in defeat.
"You never let me win with this kind of stuff!" He said in a dramatic voice.

I grabbed one of the plushies I got from the store that just happened to be a plush of them and started to play on my phone. "I thought you said you were going to sleep- wait, is that a plush of me?!?" Boo exclaimed. I nodded.

"Since when did you get that?" He asked me confused.
"From when a few of us went to the mall before you showed up here." I replied.
"They have me at the mall??" He asked really confused this time.

I didn't even realize he had said something because I was messaging Dream.

Hey Dream you remember when I agreed to tell you about stuff before telling Boo?

Yes why

I forgot to tell you that I'm telling chat about us all here. I mean, you saw my tweet but I forgot to tell you and remember what happened at the mall?

Yeah I saw the tweet. The part about the plushies or something else?

When I said about a pet

Yeah I remember you calling Ranboo so he could be the pet. He was dead as soon as you said that.

Nah he was fine but what if I got to keep him as a companion?

Fine but not as a pet ok


"Y/N!" I heard Boo yell. I jumped and fell off the bed. He ran over and tried to help me. "Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't mean for that to happen you just weren't saying anything!" He tried to apologize again but I stopped them just as he was about to again.

"Boo it's fine I was doing something and accidentaly ignored you for a bit so it's not your fault I fell off the bed." I told them as he helped me up and I continued to hold his hand. He looked at me and smirked a little and I realized I was still holding his hand.

I let go of his hand and laid back down on the bed. He chuckled a bit and went back to his pc where he started to stream. I turned over and saw them going thu a portal in mc to go to the nether. I got up and went towards the window sill and grabbed the blanket off the ground.

I put it on the window sill and sat down on it wrapping myself in the blanket in the process. Once I was snug, I grabbed my phone and started to play on there. "Y/n you look really snug right now." Boo said. I giggled a bit.

"Well if you stop playing mc for a bit and turn the stream into a just chatting one, you could sit very snug next to me." I told them. He turned back at the screen then at me again. He logged off the dream SMP and changed the title of the stream.

He unplugged the headphones, got up and sat next to me. I teleported out of the way, threw the blanket over us and teleported us onto the window sill. "Y/n I thought you weren't going to teleport on stream?" Boo said.

"I never said that and besides they should know eventually." I replied. He nodded and opened his phone to read the donos from there. We both replied to some and Boo watched as I got a 5 kill streak in among us.

I showed them my username and friend tag so he wrote it down on his phone and I went back to venting. "Sus." Boo said suddenly.
"Yes you are." I replied without skipping a beat.
"Hey!" He protested.

Suddenly, I got an idea. "Boo, I have an idea." I told him with an evil smirk. The same smirk I used to scare Dream I was doing at that moment.
"O-Ok." He nervously replied. I put Boo, Sneeg and Philza into a group I made and messaged them.

Hey Sneeg and Philza I have an idea to play phasmophobia rn with Ranboo too on stream what do you think?

Sure mate sounds fun

I mean sure man it might be a blast

Wait we are doing what now Y/n?

I slowly turned towards them maintaining my evil grin. "Boo get your pc ready to stream phasmophobia." I told them. He slowly nodded and went to his pc. We all got our stuff set up and streamed phasmophobia for about 3 hours.

After all of the fun and death in game, it was really time to sleep. Philza said goodbye and ended his stream. I stopped recording and Boo started to say bye to his chat. Philza raided Sneeg and so did Boo.

Sneeg was going to play some mc for a little while. "Goodluck Sneeg!" I said in his chat.
"Thanks Y/n now go to sleep its 6 in the fucking morning bro!" Sneeg replied. I laughed a bit and put my pc to sleep. Boo looked exahusted.

"I though you wanted to stay up Boo?" I said trying not to chuckle.
"Yeah but you kept us up for 3 more hours I was just planning on staying up for 1 more not 3." Boo replied.
"Eh same thing now lay down while I put away everything." I told them. He nodded and went to lay down.

He took off his shoes and socks and laid down. I grabbed the blanket and tossed it over them. "Thanks princess." He said.
"No problem Boo." I replied.
"Princess?" He said.
"Yes Boo?" I replied.

"Can you wake me up early please? I have a video to edit for tomorrow." He asked. I nodded.
"Which video is it Boo?" I asked them. "It's the one called to edit soon." He replied with a chuckle.
"Ok Boo I will wake you up now go to sleep." I told them.

"Mhm." He said before falling asleep. I went over to his pc and found the video.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now