Chapter 2 "Community House"

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*Dreams POV*
"It's very close now, wait it stopped, it seems to be a teen, a female one too."

"Dream??" She says to me frozen. "Yea?" I answer back.
"I-i- you- where-" she stutters after the realization at who I am.
"Do you know where we are?" I ask her. "W-well I know that this is your SMP but nothing more about it all. Sorry" she responds looking down at the ground.

"Don't worry, we can find a way out of here together ok?" I say smiling at her. "Of course! Btw im Y/n, it's nice to meet you Dream!" She responds with a big smile.

"Well nice to meet you Y/n, how about we look around together for any others that have appeared here?" I reply.
"Sure of course where should we look next?" She says.

"Hmm, maybe let's look over at the community house while we get to know eachother and where we spawned in ok?" I say to her.
"Mhm sure I don't mind but can you lead the way please? I've seen some of your streams and such but dont really know the way" she says looking down once again.

"Don't worry I can show you the way now, follow me"

*Someone elses POV*
"Ugh, my hurts like heck. Wait why is everything in blocks? Where am I? Why does this look like the dream SMP?...I guess I better look around first."

"Wait there is some water over there, maybe I can see my reflection, since I have my mask on it will be fine but I also have my gloves on, how odd." He walks over to the water and looks into it.

"Wow...I look like my mc character except for the mask and gloves. I must be in the dream SMP then." He starts to walk over to the community house to search for more poeple.

*Meanwhile, Y/n's POV*
"Wow I'm actually hanging out with dream and in the dream SMP! This is so cool!" I think to myself  when I accidentally let out a squeal.
"You ok?" Dream asks.
"Oh of course it's just nice to meet you and stuff" I respond.

"So about the getting to know eachother, should I start?" He asks me. "If you want Dream" I say with a smile. "Ok well I went to sleep after a long day of editing some videos and woke up here. I saw a build in the distance so I got some wood and headed over and saw you" He says.

"Cool! Well I went to sleep after a loooong day of drawing, learning to edit and playing mc lol" I respond with a small chuckle.
"Heh guess you get to really play mc now" he said laughing a bit.

"Lmao yea guess so" I say as we both start to laugh.
"So what were you drawing?" He asks me after laughing a bit.
"Actually it was some fanart of you and others on the dream SMP" I say to him.

"Well isn't that convenient?" He says. "Yea lol" I respond."Do you think the others from the dream SMP are here too?" I say while looking at him.
"It's a chance and it might be fun to see everyone here but we need to get back to the real world too" he responds.

"I know this is odd to say, but, if everyone was here, should we stay here? It wouldnt do much harm to never return right?....sorry I shouldn't say that kind of stuff." I say, starting to slow down.

Dream stops and looks at me and says, "well if it did no harm it might be fun but going back and forth might be more fun, that is, if it's possible anyways." And then he continues to walk.

"You make good points Dream" I say chuckling a bit.
"Thanks but I have a question if you don't mind." He says.
"Sure whats the question?" I ask. "Would you stay here forever with everyone or return home with your family?" He asks. I stop and look at the ground.

He stops and turns around.
"I would stay...I don't have much over back home with my family" I respond sounding a bit sad. He walks up to me and gives me a big hug.
"I know we dont really know eachother but I will protect you for as long as we are here and irl too" he says with a comforting voice.

"Thanks Dream." I say as I hug back. "It means a lot to hear that from someone I've looked up to for ages" I said. He lets go and smiles as we continue to walk. A few minutes later of silence he says, "Oh we are here now."

*Someone elses POV*
"Phew the community house isnt too far away now, I should get there in a few minutes."
"HEY RANBOO!" A loud voice shouts. Ranboo turns around confused.
"Wait, Tommy? What are you doing here?" He asked confused.

"Well I woke up and was here so idk what about you Ranboo?" He asked. "Yea me too Tommy. I think we are in the dream SMP so lets go to the community house and then look for more people ok?" Ranboo said looking at Tommy who was making a weird face.

"Yea sure whatever Ranboo" Tommy replied; "Lets just find Tubbo and stuff." Ranboo hummed.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now