Chapter 6 "BadBoyHalo"

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As we went in different directions, I looked back at Ranboo who seemed to not be too happy about it all. I wondered why he wasn't that happy about it.

"You know, I think Ranboo wanted to be in your group Y/n." Dream said.
"What? Nah he wouldn't want to spend time with someone like me." I replied while walking forward.

"C'mon lets just go." I said, not letting Dream talk. On the way over to the prime path we made a ton of jokes and defended Michael from all mobs. We even taught him a bit of sword fighting.

It was a fun time. But I still couldn't shake that feeling I had when seeing Ranboo not so happy about splitting up. I continued to wonder about it until I heard a loud scream.

"AHHH WHAT THE MUFFIN!?! HEEEEEELP! ITS AFTER MEEEE!" We ran over to see who it was and why they were screaming. It was BadBoyHalo. And a baby zombie was running after him with full enchanted iron armor.

It wasn't burning and BadBoyHalo seemed to be low on food. He kept screaming till I ran at the baby zombie and did a critical hit with a slash.

BadBoyHalo turned and saw me collect the xp from the baby zombie. "Thank you for that. I would have died there." BadBoyHalo said.
"Ah no problem, it was nothing." I responded.

I handed him a golden apple and he ate it. He quickly got his health back. "Thanks again" BadBoyHalo said.
"Heh its quite alright. Anyways, I'm Y/n, and Dream, George, Ranboo, TommyInnit, Tubbo and Michael are trying to get everyone from the dream SMP together to get the f outta here." I said smiling.

"Well you found me just in time because I would have been toast if you didn't show up" BadBoyHalo said chuckling. "Oh and nice to meet you Y/n. It's good to see other people here and stuff."

"Lol nice to meet you too and I bet you're kinda happy to see other people, after all, safety is in numbers!" I responded, chuckling with him a bit.

"Anyways, you can call me Bad for short. So should we look for others?" He asked.
"Of course! However, first we have to loot some places for food for you. But until you get food, here is half of my bread." I said handing him 30 pieces of bread.

"I couldn't accept this, its your food!" He said trying to hand it back to me.
"Don't be so modest, I don't want you to starve so take the bread please." I said smiling.

He smiled back and kept the bread. He saw Dream and went and gave him a big hug before seeing Michael and saying a huge "Awwww! He is sooo cute!"

I rolled my eyes and walked over. "Yes he is cute but where should we look next for someone?" I asked everyone.

"Maybe we should look for Nihachu next so you're not the only girl so far." Dream said giggling a bit.
"Ha ha. Very funny Dream. Let's go to Kinoko kingdom then." I replied.

"Wait all the way over there? You must be joking. Even I can't walk that far!" Dream said shocked.
"I can walk very far when I need to Dream. So lets get going. We don't have all day you know." I said as I walked towards Kinoko kingdom.

Soon enough, Dream, Bad and Tubbo carrying Michael caught up. Tubbo was out of breath from walking. I crouched down and told Tubbo to hop on. He hopped onto my back with Micheal on his shoulders.

Dream and Bad were impressed to say the least at what I did. But to me, it was only fair to help Tubbo out after deciding to take everyone to Kinoko kingdom. We went through a few portals to make it easier but it still took what felt like ages.

*Meanwhile with Ranboo*

*Ranboo POV*

Y/n and the rest of us have split up. Was it something I said? Should I have been more exited about mining earlier? What did I do wrong?

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