Chapter 20 "The Return Of The Book"

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I carefully opened the book and saw that it said,

"To return to the world of Minecraft, you must concentrate about being in Minecraft. When you return, the changes will no longer happen.

It will be like if they never happened. You will still have the changes from it and look like it completly when in it, but it will not continue.

You can enter Minecraft when sleeping by going to sleep with headphones on and in the Minecraft menu. Best of luck to you and your friends."

I was amazed by what it said. We could return whenever we wanted. And maybe, even new worlds. Not just the dream SMP.

I teleported all over the room out of excitement. We would never really need to travel irl to meet eachother if we could do it online and better than in vr. Our streams would be so much better too!

Imagine, we go IN the dream SMP instead of just playing on it. I teleported to Dream which scared the shit out of him. He had finished streaming by then too.

"Holy damn Y/n you scared the heck out of me!" Dream replied holding his chest. I rolled my eyes and handed him the book to read. He read it and looked at me.

His eyes started to light up. "Y/n! This is so cool! Why didn't tell me earlier?" Dream said as he sorta hugged the book.
"Dream, I got here as soon as I could. Besides, you were the one complaining about me scaring you." I replied.

He got up and rolled his eyes as he walked out of his room. I followed him as he went to Sapnap's room cuz thats my book man.

He stopped infront of the door, opened it with no noise whatsoever, and bust in. "SAPNAP LOOK!" He yelled at Sapnap. Sapnap jumped and spun around towards Dream.

Dream threw him the book and Sapnap almost didn't catch it. He opened it and read the new page in it. He gasped and jumped up out of his chair. I took the book from his hands as he ran to his pc to tell the others about it.

I teleported to my room and took pictures of the book. I @everyone in the dream SMP discord server and sent the pictures. Everyone saw it and went crazy.

We could save so much time, effort and money by using this new technique. Everyone was so very excited about the news. Boo even messaged me about it.

Y/n is that true? Can we really go back in the dream SMP?

Of course Boo! And its so good to know aswell! Imagine it! It would save so much time, effort, money and ideas

It's fun to know but how would it save all that?

Well instead of vr, we can just go into the dream SMP! Instead of getting a vr headset and setting it up, we just hop in the SMP. No need for new ideas on what to do if we can just hop in the game

Makes sense
It is a very good idea too

Thanks Boo
I thought it was an average idea but its good to know that you think its a good idea

Anytime Y/n!
Now, I have to continue to edit videos, see you later Y/n <3

Yea see you later Boo <3

I was very happy that we could join it again and that Boo liked my idea. I decided to try going into the new world me and Boo were on. I closed my eyes and concentrated.

I could feel that I went somewhere but didn't teleport there. I opened my eyes and was there in the game. I mined for a day or two in game before closing my eyes and concentrating again.

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