Chapter 26 "Techno's Dad"

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I had teleported to Dream and he sent me the photos I needed. I downloaded them and teleported away. I wanted everyone to have as much fun as possible in that 1 month.

The first person I teleported to, was George. He had just won a game of bedwars. He was cheering when he spun around in his chair and saw me. "Y/n? How did you get here?" He asked me.

"I teleported here. Now pack up cuz I'm teleporting to Dream's house." I replied. He was confused and embarrassed. After about 20 mins, he had his stuff packed. I held his hand as we held his luggage and bags.

I closed my eyes and teleported to Dream's living room. I did the same with Nihachu, Tubbo and Michael, Quackity, Karl, Wilbur and Bad.

After about 4 hours of doing all the teleporting, I was incredibly tired. But I knew that there were 3 more people to teleport, I couldn't give up yet. We were all in the living room watching the Potato War on Dream's huge flat screen tv.

I was sitting at the table in the kitchen holding my head in pain. It really hurt. I heard footsteps and felt a gaze on me. It was Boo. I quickly ignored the pain and looked up to see Boo next to me.

"Y/n, where were you?" He said with a tear running down his cheek. In that moment, I knew that I had fucked up. I left them all alone without saying a word after waking up to them sobbing.

I got up and hugged th3m. He hadn't seen everyone in the living room watching the tv yet. I was hugging thrm when I felt all eyes on me and heard a very small snicker.

I opened my eyes and looked towards them. My eyes glowed in anger. They all immediately looked away. "Boo, I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I was getting stuff ready for the whole month you will stay here. I'm sorry." I told them.

I heard a sniff. "It's ok Y/n, just please tell me next time. You scared me." He replied.
"Thanks Boo. I will tell you." I responded.

We stopped hugging and I wiped away his tears. His tail wagged a bit when I was doing so. We both smiled a bit. Then, he heard the Potato War playing. "I love this video!" He said as he turned around to watch it.

He saw everyone looking at him. He immediately froze. He had done all that infront of everyone else. "I-I u-uh can explain?" He said stuttering. I chuckled a bit and glared at everyone again.

They all looked away instantly, except for Dream. He ran. It was wonderful to see that in action again. I turned to Boo who wasn't as frozen but still a little bit.

"Boo, I'll be gone for another hour. I need to bring over 3 more people. I will be back as soon as possible ok?" I told them. He hugged me and said, "Be safe Y/n."

I nodded and teleported away. He walked over to the others and sat down to watch the video. I arrived at Techno's house, which was on the front porch. I rolled my eyes, looked at the picture again and teleported to his room.

I saw him asleep and sleeptalking. "Potatos. I need." He mumbled. He mumbled about something else but it was incoherent. I decided to not throw a pillow at him to wake him up but I did write it down to scare Dream later.

I teleported to his front porch again and ran the doorbell. I heard footsteps but it was too quick to be Techno. The door opened and it was a male adult. I didn't recognize him at all.

"Uh, hi! Im looking for Techn- I mean Alex." I told them.
"Are you one of his friends?" They asked.
"Yeah we played some Minecraft recently." I replied.
"Ah, well then, come on in! If you're his friend then its fine." They replied with a smile.

I smiled back, thanked them and walked in. The house was a bit of the average houses on commercials. It was elegant tho. "Alex is still asleep so please, take a seat. Would you like some tea?" They asked me.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now